22-04-2004, 05:00
I think economy is vital to this game but the question is how will the economy work in this game?
Do you control the peasants?
Do you trade by sea or land with allies?
Does economy affect the strength of a nation or it's military?
The better the structure of the economy the better the game will be!
Hi, Albanian_Empire. I would try to answer your question instead of the devs (from what I know). But my knowledge don't cover everything so Frank?, Frujin?I think economy is vital to this game you can be sure it is :hello:
Do you control the peasants?no. Fortunately. In KoH youplay as a king. Can you imagine any king who bothered with telling all his subject where, when, why and with who they should do something?
Do you trade by sea or land with allies?Yes, we do. But I don't know the details. It wasn't revealed precisely yet. We should wait some time to devs answer.
I'm sure that trade system in KoH is better than in KoH (where the price depended only on your needs, nothing more). You can build harbours and on certain level it can be used for trade with the East f.e. but it will be more like that a ship board in your harbour and you'll get some goods from it. You also can send "traders"(one type of knights) to improve your trade connections to other existing countries. This is all we know yyet about traders.
Does economy affect the strength of a nation or it's military?Yes, I guess. I orientated a little in already changed system of goods, but not so much in influence of a new one on military. When your economy is poor, you can't upgrade your towns, when you can't upgrade your towns, you can't build no more soldiers, so can't reinforce nor improve your army. And if you have no gold...
I would also like to ask some more questions to economy:
1. How a new resource: knowledge influences economy?
2. On this screenshot (|0103|0102|0100|0099|0098|0097|0096|0101#) I saw "trade routes". Are they the contacts your traders made with other kingdms (so 1 trader sent somewhere=xxmoney, 2 traders=some more money etc.) or is it more trade routes between some other kingdoms which earn you some money? F.e. when HRE lies between France and Bohemia and they have frequented trade contacts (and Bohemia has no sea, so can't trade by sea), does it affect your economy, does the HRE have some fees from that trade?
It also can give some strategical advantages to player when calculating which realm to conquer next :)
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