View Full Version : Advantage on hills?

28-04-2004, 15:29
What are the advantages on hills:angel:

28-04-2004, 16:34
Originally posted by JyuBo
What are the advantages on hills:angel:

advantages on hills :scratch: .....

maybe speed a charging army up a hill will be slower than a army going down :confused: maybe something like that

btw good question :go:

Kuno of Gersenau
28-04-2004, 16:45
Archers on a hill are more effectiv than on a plain...

30-04-2004, 15:04
archers, crossbowmen, catapults ecc... will have longer range on hills... i hope!

and i'm agree with Kuno,if i have to go on a hill i must spend more time than go down...

and, at last, on the hill i have a beautiful panorama!!!

30-04-2004, 15:09
well, in case of the archers we talked about hhat, do you remember? they will definitly have an advantage on hlls, towers and walls. so i guess also the crossbowman. about the catapults, i dont know, but i think ALL "balastic units" will have adavantage on hills.

30-04-2004, 16:46
on the other hand there is an increased probability of getting hit by lightnings :silly:

01-05-2004, 16:14
was there not a battle where to armys are on different sides of a vally and they don't want to attack the other army because they will have a disadvantage from climing up the side of the vally with the enermy jabbing swords in there heads. I think in the end one of them went home from lack of food.LOL8)