07-10-2006, 11:58
...Religion exists because from the beginning of time, men have realized that the world could not have just appeared, and that something Supernatural had to have made it. And also because men realized that there must be something more to life than just this.
Well, I completely agree, with one very important change. Replace the word "realized" by "thought", especially in the second usage..
They thought because they couldn't imagine it being diferent. Now when we have ways how to imagine the origins of the world, we do it.
A: "How is it possible that the world exist?"
B: "It works perfectly, it is created by God"
A: "Works perfectly? And what about the millions innocent people who were killed?"
B: "it was a test for those who survived. We shold follow this God because he's so powerfull and will protect us!"
A: "and will he really protect us? and will he also protect those good people who don't know him?"
B: "if we will follow his orders, he will never turn against us. And those who are good will come to follow his orders."
A: "and what are the orders?"
B: "I know them, I will tell you when it's the time."
A: "and how can you know them?"
B: "He told me those orders and asked me to tell them to you when it's the right time"
A: "And when will the time come?"
B: "Be calm. He will tell me to reveal them and then I will tell you."
could you tell me who is B?
and what about this dialogue
A: "How is it possible that the world exist?"
B: "I don't know. But it is here and it works fine"
A: "Works fine? And what about the millions innocent people who were killed?"
B: "some people are bad and they kill the others. I know one guy who is able to protect us, he has really good weapons to protect us"
A: "and will he really protect us? and will he also protect those good people who don't know him?"
B: "if we will follow his orders, he will never turn against us. And those who are good and wise will all once find him and come here to live wel under his protection and follow his orders"
A: "and what are the orders?"
B: "I know them, I will tell you when it's the time."
A: "and how can you know them?"
B: "He told me those orders and asked me to tell them to you when it's the right time"
A: "And when will the time come?"
B: "Be calm. He will tell me to reveal them and then I will tell you."
and now, who could be B?
Different ideas came about in different cultures, with most believing in an after life, and others believing in re-incarnation. ... Granted, not every religious belief system can be true. But neither can they all be false.later I will prove they all can be
look that in diferent societies Gods looked like the men who created the systems, that they were symbolized by strongest local animals or elemnts
The first laws of Jews fitted perfectly to nomadic society, then when they became urban population, the God "changed" them to fit urban society, right? It was God, not people.
How better we are then the first peoples led by Abraham that we have right to know absolute truth and absolute moral values while they didn't and they payed eye for eye, death for death?
Why the Good God gave us something they didn't have? Why the first religious orders include such punnishments like stoning etc. and we don't? The God thought they deserve it? Why? how is it possible that nomadic muslims have the punnishments almost the same as nomadic Jews used to have, while the Jews already turned to have them little diferent (once they setteled down in cities)?
I'm not sure I entirely understood what you were saying in that second question...:confused: simple. Doubts, which are origins of science are forbidden by religion. For science doubt is the first step. For religion it's weakness or sin.
I can agree with that. But, on the other hand, you do have to believe in the validity of the "facts" that support a scientific theory.yes, you have right not to believe that when I hold a knife covered with blood over a guy who was killed by a knife that I didn't murder him.
You have right not to believe because you have deep feeling I am a good guy. And yes, I am good guy, but he attacked me and I found my life worthy enough so I did it to save it.
My only problem is when people say, "The big bang is how it happened, and you don't need to learn any other possible way". I would make the same objection if you replaced "big bang" with "Divine Creation". ...That's the problem. We all are just humans and we NEED answers to be satisfied.
Once it was proven that the species evolve in time so they were not created as we know them, a question emerged.
How they emerged here? When there was no creation, how did the world Started?
Such questions can never be answered by science because we can't find proofs for them.
Big bang is the same Bull**it as Divine creation. It is something to answer inanswerable question. It is a myth, an unprovable theory.
But be carefull not to confuse Big Bang theory and theory of Evolution. They are two completely diferent theories you tehd to confuse one with each other because you don't like them. Just like fanatics often confuse themselves with true believers. Both cases are very often among religious people while retional people admit they might not know the absolute truth.
There are many who would beg to differ. I am one of them. When I pray, I can feel something extra-human around me. I can "feel" God's presence when I talk to him. I can feel His presence in an even more powerful way than I can feel the wind. And many other Christians would say the same thing.Sometimes EVERYONE feels such things. I do too, but to have some deep mystic experience does not prove that there is God or whatever we think it is. That just proves we have ability to have mystic experiences.
Women have very deep pain every month while the men don't. Does it mean 1) there is some Super-pain causing it?
2) that Some Super-being considers them as worse being so they deserve it?
3) is it caused by some proceses in their bodies?
For all of human history except last 100 years (please don't take the number literary!) people thought it is 1 or 2. Though today we know that they were wrong. Or do you disagree? Now I will use one of your above citations apd prove it wrong:
Granted, not every religious belief system can be true. But neither can they all be false.So they are all right, so menstruation and pains during childbirth are caused because women are evil, right?
this means when humans, even in diferent in diferent civilizations all get to approximately same reasoning of things they may be wrong. Why? Because the gods are wrong?
no, just simply because at the times when religious orders were made up by the men, they didn't have enough knowledge so they were all wrong
I do not argue that "we have to be a product of an intelligent mind". I argue that as there is not enough proof in any direction, and since my heart of hearts tells me to accept creationism, I accept it. Not "just because", but because I feel a deep conviction to believe that God made me. Just as there are many who feel a deep conviction that they are just random mistakes, and not beings made with Love.but I feel deep conviction that there is no God though it would be very easy for me to interpret all complicated situations of my life through him.
We tend to interpret crucial moment of our lives as religious or whatever signs because we are in need to interpret everything we don't understand
I'm sorry, but the only "proof" ever discovered of Evolution was later proven to be falsified evidence. My question is, "If there is so much proof of Evolution, why do scientists feel the need to 'create' missing link fossils and such?"1) which proof you mean. Could you give me exact information how, when and by who it was proven wrong?
2) why they need to "create" missing links? because they are humans.
Imagine. You have a picture with you having 3 apples. Now you have just one apple. But you don't remember having 2 apples. This is missing link. YOu have no data of the time between you had 3 apples to now. Does it mean you did not have 2 apples between the time of the picture proving 3 and actual situation of having one?
ok, let's think about possible reasons. That means you create the missing link. But then someone tells you there was a camera shooting the room which shows you you have eaten one apple 2 hours ago and then you had 2 apples. And then you have eaten also the second apple so now you have just one. Better technology proved your "theories to be wrong.
That's how the things happen :wink:
That's just it. You should not doubt yourself without good reason. I do my very best to only speak what I believe in my heart of hearts, my "conscience". And Martin Luther was right when he said, "To go against conscience is neither right nor safe".but I have good reason which is backed by my conscience that there is no God. I wish to have my life easily interpreted by some simple explanation. There is a God who wishes these things to happen. But I have deep feeling there is no god so I doubt. It is the same way that leads You to God. The same way leads you To him and me From him. it's weird, isn't it? does it mean one of us is better or worse?
If science doesn't believe in absolute truths, then why is it that almost every Evolutionist I've heard tells me that "Evolution is true, so just accept it. And Christianity is wrong. So just accept it."? Shouldn't they be saying, "Well, the evidence supports Evolution, at least, we think so, but we can't prove it true..."?Why? because evolution (don't confuse evolution with Big Bang!!!) is backed by scientific proofs, while Creation is proved by nothing but "deep feelings". And SOME proofs are always more than NO proofs. So people who are not perfect use imperfect words and they say "it is true" because it is easier to say than "it is much more likely to be true than..."
I believe that the scientists of the 16th century had it right when they realized that religion is not the be all end all of knowledge (as was previously thought) or that science is the be all end all of knowledge (as is now thought)What?
you think science thinks it is now end of all knowledge? It again proves that you have no idea of what the science is.
I will repeat myself but:
1) science knows there are some things which cannot be answered by it (how did the world created). But still some scientists try to answer those questions. Though they apply methods of science for most of their researches for this single case they become myth-makers.
2) science knows that NOW we have actual knowledge. It can be proven wrong or right in the future.
Got it?
And that is why it needs the stability provided by Faith.right. But that does mean that the system will soon not correspond with the actual situation.
So it is good to think that Women feel pain because they are worse than men, because they are evil? Just because stable tradition of all cultures all around the world thought it since the beggining of human existence? Just because such interpretation established stable system?
I was simply replying to the idea that some people believe the earth to be a mere 5000 years old. The three most common dates for Creation that I've seen from Creationists are:
1: c. 3700 B.C.
2: 4004 B.C.
3: c. 5490 B.C.you probably didn't read my question properly. I want to see how was that number counted. You claim you know the exact result so I ask you to show me how did you get it. Exactly. Is it so hard to understand?
And please don't tell me you don't know the exact way. Because if you don't know the exact way how can you be sure the exact date is right?
But, without God, what need is there of morals?what is the need? you really need God to answer this question? Use your brain first please
so the morals are here because of God, right? isn't it that humans were doing wrong things which had to be forbidden?
And without God, is there really anything that can define right or wrong?use your brain and you will find many things, really "wink". Even in this post you have several examples.
I believe the Bible to be the inerrant and fully inspired Word of God, without a single error in it. And please note...I take it into account.
Though doubting, you concluded that every single word in the Bible is inspired by the God and so every single word is true(in the context of other words surrounding it in the Bible, of course). Right?
I need to know if you are opened for a discussion about it. Because I think I am able to find part which are proven to be wrong. I need to know if you are opened to discuss about it, because otherwise it would be waste of my time to find you things you will refuse because you believe the Bible is right and all things that don't correspond with it are false
If religion was really made up by man, then how is it that the 20th century (the first century where Atheism became a strong belief) was the bloodiest century known to man, and that it was Adolf Hitler, a follower of the teachings Nitsche (the guy who said that God is dead) was one of the most terrible men ever to live on the earth?
1) does it really cause one each other? a man created religion so when religions ruled the world, less people died than when people created "godless religions" (yes, nazism and communism are considered as godless or secular religions) = Men invented a sword. Men also invented a bomb. Men invented 2 things, one is more effective one is less. bombs are more effective so they can kill much more people. And both can be used by good people for good just like they can beused by bad people for bad things.
2) do you really need me to answer you this question?
Ok, I will use my brain and try to give you some of reasons:
a) if 5 billions of people live on Earth, it's natural that the number of dead people is higher than if 1 billion lives = if there is a war between 2 countries with total population of 100 millions it is natural that it will be much more bloody than war between 2 tribes having together 10000 population, is it right?
b) development of weapons. An Atomic bomb or tank can kill much more people than a sword and much faster, don't you think?
c) in all periods of human history, innocent civilians were being killed during wars. In all wars brutal force used by any side killed many people, no matter if used by religious people or atheists (btw, if atheist is one who doesn't believe in any religion, it means Stalin was strongly religious man, just like Hitler)
Anyway. Have you any single idea why Nietzsche, one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th century waid "God is dead"? Have you ever red any single link of and Nietzsche book? Do you have an idea how Hitler misunderstood Nietzsche?
The connection between Hitler and Nietzsche is much much weaker than between Holy Inquisition or 30 years war and Jesus (and furthemore, Hitler never killed in the name of Nietzsche and he was Roman catholic and the pope silently agreed with his practics. How can one respect an institution that did NOTHING against known genocide of millions of innocent people? how can one respect the Holy Church which claims to represent the God on this world?)
I have read every book of the Bible up to Isaiah, as well as the four Gospels (and I'm currently working on Isaiah), [QUOTE]so when you know the Bible so well, you will probably help me. In which part the Bible refers about teh Assyrians please?
[QUOTE=crusaderknight]Um... no. God made life of this planet, and on no other.are you sure? and what if actual sonde on Mars finds clear evidence of life there somewhen in history?
Will you say that it was some Evolutionarist who flied there and put there something which is originated on Earth?
And wat if this happen some time later? Compared to the largeness of the Universe we know not even one small village on earth. How can we know that across the river there is no other tribe?
I'm not saying there is some, but how can we know? We may BELIEVE there is no töther life, but at the moment when we know such small part, we can never KNOW it for sure.
You know what, I'm going to laugh in my grave the day mankind reaches another galaxy and this scene transpires:
Lieutenant, "Captain, we've just scanned every galaxy in our cluster. There is no such thing as life beyond earth."
Captain, "Well I'll be! Them Christians were right when they said earth-based lifeforms were the only things God made!"and what if they wil say Them Muslims? would it be wrong? or them Jews? or...?
That day the people could assume: there is no life outside Earth. But this single thing, will it prove that there is God? How could it?
But my question is, how many scientific "facts" do you accept on faith because there really isn't any proof of them? Do you believe the earth has a molten core? We don't know for sure. The way everything works, we *think* that the core is molten, but for all we know it could be only semi-liquid or something. We don't know for absolute sure that the core is molten.and that's it!
We don't know it for sure, the way everything works makes us think it is like this. But we don't know. So here I end.
Can I know it? No, ok, let's go on.
What is the origin of the World? Can we find how it was created? NO.
So it means it was created by God, right? :lol:
Pretty much. Every single "proof" of a missing link was made up. And if God ever really made dinosaurs (personally, I believe that he made the fossils so that one day we could have fossil fuel, but I don't believe that they ever really lived) they all died in the great flood.:lol:you should write fairy tales, mate :go:
The Crusades, yes. At first. The Crusades were a counter-strike to the Muslim invasions of Christendom and the butchery of Christians.counter strike? I seriously doubt.
It was intended to protect Holy Places of Christianity by christians.
The inquisitions were also good, at the start. The inquisition was created to root out and destroy heresy before it led too many people astray. you are wrong. Inquisition was first made in Spain to control the muslims who converted to christianity if they do all required rituals and if they secretly don't do muslim rituals and if they don't keep islam in their hearts.
What's good on that?
and if it was against heresy. What's so bad on having personal interpretation of the Holy Book? Does it make anyone Worse than those who follow the Church and kill innocent people in the name of it? ANY church including Lutheran! and don't make ma laugh claiming that Luterans didn't kill innocent people because of their diferent faith.
Onlything that was edangered by heresies was social order, not Goodness.
Anyway, Lutheranism was also considered as heresy, does it mean that inquisition was good untill it turned against good lutheranism? :lol:
It was not wrong for those slave owners who treated their slaves like Christian brothers to own the slaves (because they did not abuse them, misuse them, harm them, or mistreat them in any way) please tell me what is so Christian on capturing someone and selling him to muslim merchant? knowing well what will be his fate. Those Christians harmed those people much more than their muslim owners, how greatly Christian it is! :bowdown:
Likewise, slavery is not bad, it is how you treat your slaves. On the next point, women were treated very terribly outside of Christendom, and in fact, in the early days of Christianity especially, as well as after the Reformation, women were treated better than their pagan counterparts.well, after reformation maybe. So the God let christians to live wrong for centuries and then, He who is outside time, realized that it is the right time to tell Holy Martin Luther to change it, right?
It's really strange that this all happened in the time when european societies were in large process of changes.
And on your last point, far more people have been killed by Atheists in this century alone than were killed by religious people in the past, so I guess that makes modern Atheists even worse, eh?
Wrong. If you look at who were the bigget murderers they all were very religious people (including Hitler and other Nazi ideologues!) They were, CHRISTIANS, followers of Jesus Christ.
Do you know why the Jews were picked to be eliminated before Poles and Czechs? Among other reasons also because Poles and Czechs were christians.
How Atheist they were!
Well, I completely agree, with one very important change. Replace the word "realized" by "thought", especially in the second usage..
They thought because they couldn't imagine it being diferent. Now when we have ways how to imagine the origins of the world, we do it.
A: "How is it possible that the world exist?"
B: "It works perfectly, it is created by God"
A: "Works perfectly? And what about the millions innocent people who were killed?"
B: "it was a test for those who survived. We shold follow this God because he's so powerfull and will protect us!"
A: "and will he really protect us? and will he also protect those good people who don't know him?"
B: "if we will follow his orders, he will never turn against us. And those who are good will come to follow his orders."
A: "and what are the orders?"
B: "I know them, I will tell you when it's the time."
A: "and how can you know them?"
B: "He told me those orders and asked me to tell them to you when it's the right time"
A: "And when will the time come?"
B: "Be calm. He will tell me to reveal them and then I will tell you."
could you tell me who is B?
and what about this dialogue
A: "How is it possible that the world exist?"
B: "I don't know. But it is here and it works fine"
A: "Works fine? And what about the millions innocent people who were killed?"
B: "some people are bad and they kill the others. I know one guy who is able to protect us, he has really good weapons to protect us"
A: "and will he really protect us? and will he also protect those good people who don't know him?"
B: "if we will follow his orders, he will never turn against us. And those who are good and wise will all once find him and come here to live wel under his protection and follow his orders"
A: "and what are the orders?"
B: "I know them, I will tell you when it's the time."
A: "and how can you know them?"
B: "He told me those orders and asked me to tell them to you when it's the right time"
A: "And when will the time come?"
B: "Be calm. He will tell me to reveal them and then I will tell you."
and now, who could be B?
Different ideas came about in different cultures, with most believing in an after life, and others believing in re-incarnation. ... Granted, not every religious belief system can be true. But neither can they all be false.later I will prove they all can be
look that in diferent societies Gods looked like the men who created the systems, that they were symbolized by strongest local animals or elemnts
The first laws of Jews fitted perfectly to nomadic society, then when they became urban population, the God "changed" them to fit urban society, right? It was God, not people.
How better we are then the first peoples led by Abraham that we have right to know absolute truth and absolute moral values while they didn't and they payed eye for eye, death for death?
Why the Good God gave us something they didn't have? Why the first religious orders include such punnishments like stoning etc. and we don't? The God thought they deserve it? Why? how is it possible that nomadic muslims have the punnishments almost the same as nomadic Jews used to have, while the Jews already turned to have them little diferent (once they setteled down in cities)?
I'm not sure I entirely understood what you were saying in that second question...:confused: simple. Doubts, which are origins of science are forbidden by religion. For science doubt is the first step. For religion it's weakness or sin.
I can agree with that. But, on the other hand, you do have to believe in the validity of the "facts" that support a scientific theory.yes, you have right not to believe that when I hold a knife covered with blood over a guy who was killed by a knife that I didn't murder him.
You have right not to believe because you have deep feeling I am a good guy. And yes, I am good guy, but he attacked me and I found my life worthy enough so I did it to save it.
My only problem is when people say, "The big bang is how it happened, and you don't need to learn any other possible way". I would make the same objection if you replaced "big bang" with "Divine Creation". ...That's the problem. We all are just humans and we NEED answers to be satisfied.
Once it was proven that the species evolve in time so they were not created as we know them, a question emerged.
How they emerged here? When there was no creation, how did the world Started?
Such questions can never be answered by science because we can't find proofs for them.
Big bang is the same Bull**it as Divine creation. It is something to answer inanswerable question. It is a myth, an unprovable theory.
But be carefull not to confuse Big Bang theory and theory of Evolution. They are two completely diferent theories you tehd to confuse one with each other because you don't like them. Just like fanatics often confuse themselves with true believers. Both cases are very often among religious people while retional people admit they might not know the absolute truth.
There are many who would beg to differ. I am one of them. When I pray, I can feel something extra-human around me. I can "feel" God's presence when I talk to him. I can feel His presence in an even more powerful way than I can feel the wind. And many other Christians would say the same thing.Sometimes EVERYONE feels such things. I do too, but to have some deep mystic experience does not prove that there is God or whatever we think it is. That just proves we have ability to have mystic experiences.
Women have very deep pain every month while the men don't. Does it mean 1) there is some Super-pain causing it?
2) that Some Super-being considers them as worse being so they deserve it?
3) is it caused by some proceses in their bodies?
For all of human history except last 100 years (please don't take the number literary!) people thought it is 1 or 2. Though today we know that they were wrong. Or do you disagree? Now I will use one of your above citations apd prove it wrong:
Granted, not every religious belief system can be true. But neither can they all be false.So they are all right, so menstruation and pains during childbirth are caused because women are evil, right?
this means when humans, even in diferent in diferent civilizations all get to approximately same reasoning of things they may be wrong. Why? Because the gods are wrong?
no, just simply because at the times when religious orders were made up by the men, they didn't have enough knowledge so they were all wrong
I do not argue that "we have to be a product of an intelligent mind". I argue that as there is not enough proof in any direction, and since my heart of hearts tells me to accept creationism, I accept it. Not "just because", but because I feel a deep conviction to believe that God made me. Just as there are many who feel a deep conviction that they are just random mistakes, and not beings made with Love.but I feel deep conviction that there is no God though it would be very easy for me to interpret all complicated situations of my life through him.
We tend to interpret crucial moment of our lives as religious or whatever signs because we are in need to interpret everything we don't understand
I'm sorry, but the only "proof" ever discovered of Evolution was later proven to be falsified evidence. My question is, "If there is so much proof of Evolution, why do scientists feel the need to 'create' missing link fossils and such?"1) which proof you mean. Could you give me exact information how, when and by who it was proven wrong?
2) why they need to "create" missing links? because they are humans.
Imagine. You have a picture with you having 3 apples. Now you have just one apple. But you don't remember having 2 apples. This is missing link. YOu have no data of the time between you had 3 apples to now. Does it mean you did not have 2 apples between the time of the picture proving 3 and actual situation of having one?
ok, let's think about possible reasons. That means you create the missing link. But then someone tells you there was a camera shooting the room which shows you you have eaten one apple 2 hours ago and then you had 2 apples. And then you have eaten also the second apple so now you have just one. Better technology proved your "theories to be wrong.
That's how the things happen :wink:
That's just it. You should not doubt yourself without good reason. I do my very best to only speak what I believe in my heart of hearts, my "conscience". And Martin Luther was right when he said, "To go against conscience is neither right nor safe".but I have good reason which is backed by my conscience that there is no God. I wish to have my life easily interpreted by some simple explanation. There is a God who wishes these things to happen. But I have deep feeling there is no god so I doubt. It is the same way that leads You to God. The same way leads you To him and me From him. it's weird, isn't it? does it mean one of us is better or worse?
If science doesn't believe in absolute truths, then why is it that almost every Evolutionist I've heard tells me that "Evolution is true, so just accept it. And Christianity is wrong. So just accept it."? Shouldn't they be saying, "Well, the evidence supports Evolution, at least, we think so, but we can't prove it true..."?Why? because evolution (don't confuse evolution with Big Bang!!!) is backed by scientific proofs, while Creation is proved by nothing but "deep feelings". And SOME proofs are always more than NO proofs. So people who are not perfect use imperfect words and they say "it is true" because it is easier to say than "it is much more likely to be true than..."
I believe that the scientists of the 16th century had it right when they realized that religion is not the be all end all of knowledge (as was previously thought) or that science is the be all end all of knowledge (as is now thought)What?
you think science thinks it is now end of all knowledge? It again proves that you have no idea of what the science is.
I will repeat myself but:
1) science knows there are some things which cannot be answered by it (how did the world created). But still some scientists try to answer those questions. Though they apply methods of science for most of their researches for this single case they become myth-makers.
2) science knows that NOW we have actual knowledge. It can be proven wrong or right in the future.
Got it?
And that is why it needs the stability provided by Faith.right. But that does mean that the system will soon not correspond with the actual situation.
So it is good to think that Women feel pain because they are worse than men, because they are evil? Just because stable tradition of all cultures all around the world thought it since the beggining of human existence? Just because such interpretation established stable system?
I was simply replying to the idea that some people believe the earth to be a mere 5000 years old. The three most common dates for Creation that I've seen from Creationists are:
1: c. 3700 B.C.
2: 4004 B.C.
3: c. 5490 B.C.you probably didn't read my question properly. I want to see how was that number counted. You claim you know the exact result so I ask you to show me how did you get it. Exactly. Is it so hard to understand?
And please don't tell me you don't know the exact way. Because if you don't know the exact way how can you be sure the exact date is right?
But, without God, what need is there of morals?what is the need? you really need God to answer this question? Use your brain first please
so the morals are here because of God, right? isn't it that humans were doing wrong things which had to be forbidden?
And without God, is there really anything that can define right or wrong?use your brain and you will find many things, really "wink". Even in this post you have several examples.
I believe the Bible to be the inerrant and fully inspired Word of God, without a single error in it. And please note...I take it into account.
Though doubting, you concluded that every single word in the Bible is inspired by the God and so every single word is true(in the context of other words surrounding it in the Bible, of course). Right?
I need to know if you are opened for a discussion about it. Because I think I am able to find part which are proven to be wrong. I need to know if you are opened to discuss about it, because otherwise it would be waste of my time to find you things you will refuse because you believe the Bible is right and all things that don't correspond with it are false
If religion was really made up by man, then how is it that the 20th century (the first century where Atheism became a strong belief) was the bloodiest century known to man, and that it was Adolf Hitler, a follower of the teachings Nitsche (the guy who said that God is dead) was one of the most terrible men ever to live on the earth?
1) does it really cause one each other? a man created religion so when religions ruled the world, less people died than when people created "godless religions" (yes, nazism and communism are considered as godless or secular religions) = Men invented a sword. Men also invented a bomb. Men invented 2 things, one is more effective one is less. bombs are more effective so they can kill much more people. And both can be used by good people for good just like they can beused by bad people for bad things.
2) do you really need me to answer you this question?
Ok, I will use my brain and try to give you some of reasons:
a) if 5 billions of people live on Earth, it's natural that the number of dead people is higher than if 1 billion lives = if there is a war between 2 countries with total population of 100 millions it is natural that it will be much more bloody than war between 2 tribes having together 10000 population, is it right?
b) development of weapons. An Atomic bomb or tank can kill much more people than a sword and much faster, don't you think?
c) in all periods of human history, innocent civilians were being killed during wars. In all wars brutal force used by any side killed many people, no matter if used by religious people or atheists (btw, if atheist is one who doesn't believe in any religion, it means Stalin was strongly religious man, just like Hitler)
Anyway. Have you any single idea why Nietzsche, one of the greatest philosophers of the 19th century waid "God is dead"? Have you ever red any single link of and Nietzsche book? Do you have an idea how Hitler misunderstood Nietzsche?
The connection between Hitler and Nietzsche is much much weaker than between Holy Inquisition or 30 years war and Jesus (and furthemore, Hitler never killed in the name of Nietzsche and he was Roman catholic and the pope silently agreed with his practics. How can one respect an institution that did NOTHING against known genocide of millions of innocent people? how can one respect the Holy Church which claims to represent the God on this world?)
I have read every book of the Bible up to Isaiah, as well as the four Gospels (and I'm currently working on Isaiah), [QUOTE]so when you know the Bible so well, you will probably help me. In which part the Bible refers about teh Assyrians please?
[QUOTE=crusaderknight]Um... no. God made life of this planet, and on no other.are you sure? and what if actual sonde on Mars finds clear evidence of life there somewhen in history?
Will you say that it was some Evolutionarist who flied there and put there something which is originated on Earth?
And wat if this happen some time later? Compared to the largeness of the Universe we know not even one small village on earth. How can we know that across the river there is no other tribe?
I'm not saying there is some, but how can we know? We may BELIEVE there is no töther life, but at the moment when we know such small part, we can never KNOW it for sure.
You know what, I'm going to laugh in my grave the day mankind reaches another galaxy and this scene transpires:
Lieutenant, "Captain, we've just scanned every galaxy in our cluster. There is no such thing as life beyond earth."
Captain, "Well I'll be! Them Christians were right when they said earth-based lifeforms were the only things God made!"and what if they wil say Them Muslims? would it be wrong? or them Jews? or...?
That day the people could assume: there is no life outside Earth. But this single thing, will it prove that there is God? How could it?
But my question is, how many scientific "facts" do you accept on faith because there really isn't any proof of them? Do you believe the earth has a molten core? We don't know for sure. The way everything works, we *think* that the core is molten, but for all we know it could be only semi-liquid or something. We don't know for absolute sure that the core is molten.and that's it!
We don't know it for sure, the way everything works makes us think it is like this. But we don't know. So here I end.
Can I know it? No, ok, let's go on.
What is the origin of the World? Can we find how it was created? NO.
So it means it was created by God, right? :lol:
Pretty much. Every single "proof" of a missing link was made up. And if God ever really made dinosaurs (personally, I believe that he made the fossils so that one day we could have fossil fuel, but I don't believe that they ever really lived) they all died in the great flood.:lol:you should write fairy tales, mate :go:
The Crusades, yes. At first. The Crusades were a counter-strike to the Muslim invasions of Christendom and the butchery of Christians.counter strike? I seriously doubt.
It was intended to protect Holy Places of Christianity by christians.
The inquisitions were also good, at the start. The inquisition was created to root out and destroy heresy before it led too many people astray. you are wrong. Inquisition was first made in Spain to control the muslims who converted to christianity if they do all required rituals and if they secretly don't do muslim rituals and if they don't keep islam in their hearts.
What's good on that?
and if it was against heresy. What's so bad on having personal interpretation of the Holy Book? Does it make anyone Worse than those who follow the Church and kill innocent people in the name of it? ANY church including Lutheran! and don't make ma laugh claiming that Luterans didn't kill innocent people because of their diferent faith.
Onlything that was edangered by heresies was social order, not Goodness.
Anyway, Lutheranism was also considered as heresy, does it mean that inquisition was good untill it turned against good lutheranism? :lol:
It was not wrong for those slave owners who treated their slaves like Christian brothers to own the slaves (because they did not abuse them, misuse them, harm them, or mistreat them in any way) please tell me what is so Christian on capturing someone and selling him to muslim merchant? knowing well what will be his fate. Those Christians harmed those people much more than their muslim owners, how greatly Christian it is! :bowdown:
Likewise, slavery is not bad, it is how you treat your slaves. On the next point, women were treated very terribly outside of Christendom, and in fact, in the early days of Christianity especially, as well as after the Reformation, women were treated better than their pagan counterparts.well, after reformation maybe. So the God let christians to live wrong for centuries and then, He who is outside time, realized that it is the right time to tell Holy Martin Luther to change it, right?
It's really strange that this all happened in the time when european societies were in large process of changes.
And on your last point, far more people have been killed by Atheists in this century alone than were killed by religious people in the past, so I guess that makes modern Atheists even worse, eh?
Wrong. If you look at who were the bigget murderers they all were very religious people (including Hitler and other Nazi ideologues!) They were, CHRISTIANS, followers of Jesus Christ.
Do you know why the Jews were picked to be eliminated before Poles and Czechs? Among other reasons also because Poles and Czechs were christians.
How Atheist they were!