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André Bernhardt
09-10-2006, 19:08
What does the international press think about 1701 A.D.?

I will start this thread with some very interesting U.S. previews:

Set sails to Shacknews:
1701 A.D. looks to be a substantial step up for the series. The game has had a dedicated following in Europe for years, but with this latest iteration, publisher Aspyr Media hopes to repeat that success in North America as well. Related Designs seems to have put obvious effort into making the game approachable and straightforward while allowing a good deal of depth and diversity as the map starts to open up. Fans of empire-building or fans of real-time strategy interesting in checking out a game with less of a focus on warfare should keep 1701 A.D. in mind when it ships later this month.

Or head out for Gamesradar:
The stunning water alone is enough to make the most jaded gamer swallow their gum - the reflective, transparent and windswept emerald sea teems with motion and life

1701 is clearly a different brand of real-time strategy than we're used to: shamelessly elaborate, filled with unexpected delights and visual splendor. The franchise looks like it will finally make a lasting settlement in the New World.
Look eastward for 1701 A.D. to sail into view this November.

09-10-2006, 19:58
Na de presentatie van ANNO 1701 had ik een voldaan gevoel. Het lijkt me zeker een leuke game te worden. Er zijn echter een aantal elementen flink versimpeld om de casual gamer aan te spreken, zal dat de gameplay wel ten goede komen? Daarnaast zijn er geen revolutionair nieuwe gameplay elementen, waardoor de game een soort Best Of dreigt te worden in een poging alle goede elementen van het genre samen te vatten. De game is echter zo goed als af, en het ziet er rooskleurig uit voor Sunflowers.
After the presentation of ANNO 1701 I was pleased. It looks like it's going to be a fun game. What's less is that some elements have been simplified for the casual gamer, will this be good for the gameplay? Next to that there are no revolutionairy new gameplay elements, which treatens to make the game a Best Of, mixing both earlier parts together.