View Full Version : Multiplayer FASTbuild guide

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30-10-2006, 00:44
I just played a couple of multi games where it seems they may have used some of your tactics.

Amusing though, Carmen and I took one of the culprits out when all I had was the Exploration ship. They made me mad by attacking the Indians (both types). I was going to go and attack their ship but then they had 6 ships at the island so instead I attacked their supply islands. When the warehouse colapsed, they were gone from the game as Carmen had been attacking their main city. Until I attacked, Carmen wouldn't even trade with me.

The other game, someone landed a warehouse on my island after I put my first one in. Too quick for me to do anything about. The other player later declared war and while he attacked and I tried to develop defenses I saw it wouldn't work but as I had almost 500 citzs. I advanced them beyond 500 and the game ended. The demo has a few tricks in it. Now I know how they get all those ships so fast and with cannons on them.

Now I know why Sir Henry said he liked the VPN server solution. I held my own but I didn't enjoy those games.

Now I also know why some games are password protected.

10-11-2006, 18:19
Really, the way the OP describes is humiliating to the game. I've played n umerous multiplayer games of 1602 and most of em lasted several hours with me and my cousin fighting over each island and maintaining usually more then one heavily populated and uber-defended 'capital'. I hope to have the same, lasting fun in 1701.

If you want quick kills i suggest you look into Counter-Strike.

10-11-2006, 23:59
your flexing of virtual muscles means nothing to me I would like to say the very same line to rockit scientist... I just wonder how old he really is...