View Full Version : En - Demo - Scrolling on a Dual monitor

30-10-2006, 23:42
Hi all,

Does anyone else use a Dual monitor setup? I have my Primary on my Left monitor and when I go to scroll to the right it doesn't always pick up on where the mouse cursor is.

Some games lock the cursor to the one screen in order to allow for correct scrolling, is this something which was looked at for the full retail version? I hope it was as right now it is putting me off buying the game! :bash:

Does anyone know if this is still applicable to the retail version? or has anyone got a fix for this kind of problem?

Thanks! :go:

31-10-2006, 00:57
the germans told about the same problems

some of them swiched back to single mode for playing
others like to scroll by keyboard with shortcuts changed to WSAD

31-10-2006, 20:42
Never thought of redifining the keys to W,A,S,D! Would be a lot more natural to have my hand there than using the arrow keys!

Still would be good if I could find some way of forcing the mouse to stay on the one desktop whilst the game is running....

I'll keep searching, have another 3 days to make up my mind!!:lol:


Actually, I have solved my own problem!

Found a great little freeware app called mousejail

You can get it from Here (http://www.dr-hoiby.com/MouseJail/)

The instructions are at the bottom of the page. Although it does look like it was designed for Windows 98. with a slight change to the instructions it does work!

Just add (with no quotes):

C:\WINDOWS\MouseJail.exe before the 2nd set of quotes in the Target field

(assuming you copied the mousejail.exe file to C:\WINDOWS otherwise change it for wherever mousejail is! :lol: )

Thanks to this little tool I will be able to play a lot more games properly and I'll be able to buy 1701 with confidence! :cheers:

Hope this helps someone else too!!