View Full Version : Some little bug i found

12-11-2006, 04:57
- I have a kind of scratch sound some time during the playing, it come often when im attacking. ( i have X-Fi sound card )

- I play more then 12h and still do not have the bronze medail (i play only in scenario)

- In the sceneraio, at the beginning the camera is lock, but on one of them (5,6,7th, well i don't know) the camera was free and it took a long time to the camera to come back to he's normal position for the next script.

- i don't think it's a bug, but in scenario you can't have the window diplay of computer/player. So the Spy do nothing ( some exception with the scenario story...)

- Ok not a bug, but .. we can't lose in the scenario, we have unlimited money :nono:

Well that it for the moment i will put more later.:biggrin:
- People with the name Annoholic(1-2-3-4), if someone lost the connection and i kick one of the disconnecter, it kick every people with that name.

12-11-2006, 14:58
- I have a kind of scratch sound some time during the playing, it come often when im attacking. ( i have X-Fi sound card )
5.1 Sound enabled in the game?
try to switch to stereo
it's a known bug and i think they already work on it

- I play more then 12h and still do not have the bronze medail (i play only in scenario)
Medals are only given when the game starts in easy, normal or hard
if it's user def. you won't get a medal :huh: