View Full Version : Official Patch information

Nadine Knobloch
08-12-2006, 17:54
Hi there.

This thread is dedicated to the patch.
It remains close and will only be updated by us.


First official announcement (24.11.2006)

Hi all!

As we have not yet issued any info on the patch, we want to start right here!

We are working on the patch now. The feedback from the forum is very important to Related Designs in this respect; the posts on the forum are studied carefully by RD and all reproducible problems are addressed.

Besides the fixes and improvements, there could even be a goodie in store for you.

We’ll keep you updated and let you have more details ASAP regarding content and also later the release of the patch.

Please bear with us; before we publish any info, we want to make sure we can keep our promises first! The same applies to the patch as to the main program: whatever we do, we want to get it right and test it thoroughly prior to release!

Stay tuned!


Second announcement (08.12.2006)

Hi everyone,

Today we want to give you a preview of the first concrete details of the forthcoming patch, v 1.1.
Please bear in mind that the patch is still in the development stage, and that this only describes the current status and should not be considered as a full list of all the problems addressed.

The patch has now fixed the following bugs (errors in the game):

Bug: "Warehouse and pier next to each other"
There are no more problems with the trading route when a warehouse and a pier are next to each other.

Bug: "Problems with the balance sheet"
The bug has been fixed which caused the bank balance to sink when the account was in fact looking healthy.

Bug: "Problems with the trading routes"
Several bugs were fixed which, in rare cases, corrupted the trading routes.
- In rare cases, loading saved games made some trading routes inaccessible.
- Re-naming a warehouse could corrupt the trading route.

Bug: "Freeze in the scenario: The Heritage of the Ancestors"
A bug was fixed, which caused the scenario "The Heritage of the Ancestors" to crash.

Bug: "Enemy ships act stupid"
The AI should only act more intelligently when the enemy fleet displays a substantial superiority.

Balancing: "Storm balanced"
The special action "Storm" now adapts itself to the size of the island and its effect is generally weaker.

Balancing: "Revolutionary"
The Lodge activity "Revolutionary" has been somewhat reduced (shorter duration).

Balancing: "Bonus coins"
Bonus coins can no longer be used in the multiplayer game.

Following your suggestions in the forum, we have also decided to integrate these new features into the game:

Feature: "Planting small trees"
In the Pioneer zone, the patch will now allow the player to use two different buttons to access all the trees in the game and to position them.

Feature: "Eye dropper mode can be used globally"
The eyedropper now copies (also without the cheat) virtually any object onto the game world. Only a few special objects cannot be copied.

Feature: "And/or combinations for the conditions for victory"
In a continuous game, the player can now set the “and/or” combos for the conditions for victory. (E.g. X gold AND X Aristocrats have to be attained to win.)

Feature: "Interface can be deactivated"
Players can now disable the interface to allow them to make pretty screenshots.

Feature: "Clouds can be deactivated"
The clouds can now be disabled. Players who prefer the maximum game view should now have a much more "laid-back" game experience. ;)

Feature: "Pirate ship - reward"
Pirate ships can now lose some of their goods provided they are being destroyed.

We’ll let you know as soon as we receive any more info.

Stay tuned!


Third announcement (15.12.2006)

Hi there.

The following list is the complete overview of what the patch contains.

Errors corrected

- A ship following a trade route and stopping in front of the warehouse, failing to continue along that trade route.

- A team win in multi-player was sometimes impossible to achieve.

- Ships belonging to an AI (which had given up) could get stuck at the edge of the map.

- The AI failing to react to the destruction of a foreign culture.

- A display problem which occurred in multi-player save games.

- Possible Blood brotherhood with more than one culture.

- Errors in the balance sheet when a save game had been saved and then re-loaded.

- Computer opponents could erect a warehouse on a location unsuitable for construction.

- Construction could be carried out „free of charge” during lags in multi-player matches.

- Existing fraternizations are now terminated when a foreign culture is destroyed.

- Occasionally an escort’s companions stayed in one place as soon as the escort target was sent on patrol.

- Patrol points “jumping” after a battle.

- Escort ships leaving the escort after a battle.

- A foreign culture’s special action still being carried out after that culture had been destroyed.

- Bonus coins can no longer be redeemed in multi-player matches.

- Occasionally a so-called “Freeze” in the "The Legacy of the Ancestors" scenario.

- Sometimes the “Eichendorff” AI stopping production.

- Problems with the AI portraits once an AI had been destroyed.

- Setting the video settings to "very high" on an ATI video card, does not result in the statue on the village center not being displayed.

- Players spying upon an opponent’s ships.

- Damaged trade routes after a saved game was loaded.

- Damaged trade routes whenever a warehouse was renamed.

- Ships appearing to be floating inside one another upon completion.


- The AI ships now react more intelligently when faced outnumbered by the enemy.

- Storm strength now adjusts to fit island size.

- The Queen’s fleets are now somewhat more powerful.

- The Queen now demands two additional tribute payments or sends one additional fleet.

- The normal AI no longer adjusts to suit the player but instead advances on its own.

- The foreign cultures’ landmarks are now immune to catastrophes.

- The Revolutionary doesn’t stay in the city as long as before.

- The AI no longer advances right after the player does, but instead waits a short while.


- Players can now choose whether they must fulfil all of the conditions for win just one.

- A tool tip was added for the time limit for reaching independence.

- A multi-player game no longer pauses when Escape is pressed.

- The delay in saving has been removed from the multi-player game.

- The interface can now be hidden to allow better screenshots.

- Clouds can now also be hidden to allow better screenshots.

- Inhabitant message no longer come as often as before.

- Trees can now be planted both over the menu and using the pipette. It is no longer necessary to enter a cheat to do so.

- In multi-player the clients now also show both the game name and the password.

- Pirate ships are now likely to leave some flotsam floating on the water when sunk.


- A number of adjustments have been made for the new G80 graphics chip from Nvidia in order to take full advantage of its potential, e.g. 8x & 16x CSAA support (Coverage Sampling Aliasing).

As soon as we can say anything about a concrete release date we'll let you know - stay tuned!


Patch info, part 4!

Hi everyone,

The waiting is over, today - in this thread - we will tell you, where you can download the patch. Stay tuned.

Thank you for your patience.