View Full Version : [en] Vegetarian or Not?

29-12-2006, 01:48
An important topic i believe,many meat lovers(like me) are being converted to stanism-...I MEAN vegetarianism.Im just asking what you think.

29-12-2006, 02:40
Well I think that vegetarianism are overrated. They usually claim that they don't eat meat because the animal suffers when they are killed. However, aren't vegetables alive as well? Doesn't a cabbage starves to death when it is thorn away from its roots? Now who has the most painful, longest death...?

Why do you think we have both flat,broad teeth and sharp,thin teeth? Humans evolved to eat both kinds of foods. Without meat we would have never gone this far. From where else could we have obtained rich source of proteins (which makes up 25% of our body),fats (Which is needed for digestion and more importantly our Brain) and other amino acid which only meats can provide in abundance?

Don't get me wrong, I love my vegetables, they are important in a balanced diet(loads of vitamins and fiber.) And too much meats is bad, specially in todays sedentary life style, where we don't need to go out hunt mammoths for food.:silly:

If you don't like meat, then by all means don't eat it and eat your greens, just don't come accusing us meat eaters of been unsensible cannibals. :)
Now if we talk about hunting, I'm with vegetarians. I'm opposed to hunting for any reason other than to obtain food as long has men have a gun and the animal doesn't.
Anyways just my 2 cents :wink:

And I don't know which option to vote for. I respect their believes as long as they respect mine. And I like eating both things. So I gues the 3rd?

29-12-2006, 03:03
what it means:
first choice:your a vegetarian and oppose the eating of mammals and animals

second choice:you eat meat and you dont believe vegetarians can push beliefs on you

third:you not all against either

29-12-2006, 03:47
What is a meatatarian? Never heard that term before!

29-12-2006, 04:48
you know what i mean lol

29-12-2006, 07:00
I have heard of carnivores and omnivores, but never meatitarians, and I couldn't find it in the dictionary! :biggrin:

29-12-2006, 09:12
I think we humans need both aspects of food.

True is that today we east little too much meat so the effect is that too many animals are terrorized in very bad conditions just because they are "plated" to be killed and eated.
On the other hand we do the same for thuosands of years with plants, but that's a different story because animals are something diferent than plants, we all know.

I actualy wonder what exactly do you mean by meatarism, it's important because otherwise I can't vote in your poll :biggrin:
is it "militaristic" like some vegetarians ("those who eat meatz are inhuman, we shouldn't eat meat!") but just the oposite ("vegetarians are all crazy, we shold eat mainly or only meat"), or is it considered as "those who are not vegetarians"=those who eat both meat and plants with no radicalism?

29-12-2006, 12:23
Firstly, the poll is a bit paradoxal (choices: vegetarian, not a vegatarian, or neither :biggrin:).

Secondly, I don't eat meat, but do eat (good) fish. A kind of semi-vegetarian. I would eat naturally raised animals, but I wasn't raised with meat, so i don't know it's taste and can't miss it. Still I'd vote Yes [..] rights.

Bioindustry is the main reason for my not eating meat.

A different point, by the way, is hunting for sports. That's a ridiculous tradition.

29-12-2006, 17:19
Well I think that vegetarianism are overrated. They usually claim that they don't eat meat because the animal suffers when they are killed. However, aren't vegetables alive as well? Doesn't a cabbage starves to death when it is thorn away from its roots? Now who has the most painful, longest death...?

Why do you think we have both flat,broad teeth and sharp,thin teeth? Humans evolved to eat both kinds of foods. Without meat we would have never gone this far. From where else could we have obtained rich source of proteins (which makes up 25% of our body),fats (Which is needed for digestion and more importantly our Brain) and other amino acid which only meats can provide in abundance?

Don't get me wrong, I love my vegetables, they are important in a balanced diet(loads of vitamins and fiber.) And too much meats is bad, specially in todays sedentary life style, where we don't need to go out hunt mammoths for food.:silly:

If you don't like meat, then by all means don't eat it and eat your greens, just don't come accusing us meat eaters of been unsensible cannibals. :)
Now if we talk about hunting, I'm with vegetarians. I'm opposed to hunting for any reason other than to obtain food as long has men have a gun and the animal doesn't.
Anyways just my 2 cents :wink:

And I don't know which option to vote for. I respect their believes as long as they respect mine. And I like eating both things. So I gues the 3rd?

right you are Richard

29-12-2006, 17:29
oh, to be honest if I should chose what is worse if vegetarianism or some unspecified meatarism, I am sure that vegtarianism is against nature.

We need balanced spectre of food. In long perspective not eating meat is suicide of our specie. I don't agree with keeping the nimals all live long in very small place not able to move and not able to live at all. This is dark side of industrialism and overpopulated earth and I believe it will turn back after several dozens of years

29-12-2006, 20:04
I cannot vote in the poll worded as it it is(I don't really understand it).

But I want to say that I eat both meat and vegetables. I could live on vegetables, there are times I prefer to have just vegetables and no meat. But I do enjoy the meat as well, whether it be beef, pork, turkey, chicken, mutton or venison.
And before anyone attacks me for eating Bambi, here in the state of Georgia(USA) the deer population is exploding and hunting seems to be the basic way of trying to keep it under control, maybe even the only way. The bag limit this year here, was 12 deer,(2 bucks & 10 does). The insurance companies here are lobbying for year round hunting instead of the 3 month season currently in effect. There are so many deer that it is causing millions of dollars a year in auto insurance claims from all the deer being hit on the roadways.
I do not hunt, but I have friends and family that do, and they supply me with all the extra they don't have room for in their freezer lockers.