07-01-2007, 19:38
This may be little controversial
Some people could consider also sport as part of arts and I was considering if I should put it there, but finaly I decided not to put it in the poll. Though it could really be beautifull, it doesn't say any message in those masterpieces (except strong will which is in every unique human activity)
to make the categories more understandabla:
1) Literature is clear I guess. Includes poetry and prose, playwrighting could be included here, but also to theatre because it needs also acting)
2) Theatre - acting, but not dance
3) Dance, Ballet though it needs music and also playwright sometimes I made it separate category
4) Music - can't imagine clearer category :wink:
5) Graphic art - includes drawings, paintings and photography
6) Plastic art - Sculptures and Architecture. I know it's usualy closely connected with graphic art. The diference is IMO clear, it is 3D
I know it's extremely hard to pick just one, so I allow multiple votes in the poll.
There might be legitime complain that there isn't film. To be honest I pre-disqualified it, because I personaly find it as "ultimate" art which is symbiosis of all "classical arts"
Why? Because film is mixture of poetry, prose, playwright, acting, music, graphic and plastic art.
If you find it unfair, we can change the poll.
I personaly would say Film, as I described it, it is a point where all arts meet and make the ultimate art (if made properly and with love)
Why Literature?
I have special place for literature coz I sometimes write and when you're alone, nothing can compete with reading your favourite poem)
Why Theatre?
I don't go to theatres often, but when I do it once in a year or so, I'm amazed!
Why Music?
Music is the best art to come deep inside me and touch everything there. Many of my best (or worst) moments are connected with some piece of music, also for most of my friends I have a special song which "belongs" to them
Why not Graphic and Plastic Art?
I couldn't pick all you understand, it wouldn't be "the most emotive" then :lol:
I love paintings and photograpphies (I actualy try to take photographs myself), I love architecture because it can say so much and touch you (though "faithless" I always feel to touch something supernatural when I step into a cathedral)
Why not Dance?
well, I know it can be impressing, but for me not as much as the other.
Some people could consider also sport as part of arts and I was considering if I should put it there, but finaly I decided not to put it in the poll. Though it could really be beautifull, it doesn't say any message in those masterpieces (except strong will which is in every unique human activity)
to make the categories more understandabla:
1) Literature is clear I guess. Includes poetry and prose, playwrighting could be included here, but also to theatre because it needs also acting)
2) Theatre - acting, but not dance
3) Dance, Ballet though it needs music and also playwright sometimes I made it separate category
4) Music - can't imagine clearer category :wink:
5) Graphic art - includes drawings, paintings and photography
6) Plastic art - Sculptures and Architecture. I know it's usualy closely connected with graphic art. The diference is IMO clear, it is 3D
I know it's extremely hard to pick just one, so I allow multiple votes in the poll.
There might be legitime complain that there isn't film. To be honest I pre-disqualified it, because I personaly find it as "ultimate" art which is symbiosis of all "classical arts"
Why? Because film is mixture of poetry, prose, playwright, acting, music, graphic and plastic art.
If you find it unfair, we can change the poll.
I personaly would say Film, as I described it, it is a point where all arts meet and make the ultimate art (if made properly and with love)
Why Literature?
I have special place for literature coz I sometimes write and when you're alone, nothing can compete with reading your favourite poem)
Why Theatre?
I don't go to theatres often, but when I do it once in a year or so, I'm amazed!
Why Music?
Music is the best art to come deep inside me and touch everything there. Many of my best (or worst) moments are connected with some piece of music, also for most of my friends I have a special song which "belongs" to them
Why not Graphic and Plastic Art?
I couldn't pick all you understand, it wouldn't be "the most emotive" then :lol:
I love paintings and photograpphies (I actualy try to take photographs myself), I love architecture because it can say so much and touch you (though "faithless" I always feel to touch something supernatural when I step into a cathedral)
Why not Dance?
well, I know it can be impressing, but for me not as much as the other.