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20-08-2004, 16:00
and what's wrong with it..?

Just take a look at cossacks... during the history there were a lot of different units! Even each region of one country had its unique units!

Whats wrong with it is that there would be just too many units. In Cossacks you had the same units with different names and those units were not actually unique by anything beside their name.

And btw. you don't need to put your name under every post since everyone can see your name above...

20-08-2004, 17:07
Unique units make nations more unique :hello:
I agree!!! :)

20-08-2004, 20:57
Whats wrong with it is that there would be just too many units. In Cossacks you had the same units with different names and those units were not actually unique by anything beside their name.

And btw. you don't need to put your name under every post since everyone can see your name above...


Ad. 1. Unique units in cossacks means: e.g. there was a slight differeence between russian and french voluntigeur, diffeences in uniforms, in experience and way of training depending on many things like financial possibilities of each country, differences in culture and terrenian were the trainings were carried out. That's why Russian and french soldiers had different skills, but they were in the same group in general, they were voluntigeurs. I hope that now you understand my opinion. The same is with knoghts. for example, Polish knight infantry was very good in marching and knew how to couple with russians, but e.g. did not know how to fight with musslims, like spanish knights did (reconquista...).

This is my humble opinion about this. More units I mean, small differences in skills, strenght, AI, orientation in terrenian and many others. Differences in armour, richer countries had more ornamented armours, poorer did not decorate them so much and so on...

And Ad. 2.

I will write my name once again! Why...? Because I am used to do it...

Best wishes


20-08-2004, 21:31
This is not Cossacks but totally different game. Second there really wasn't any difference between a swordsmen in Poland from the one in Italy or for that matter anywhere in the Europe. So the differences in Cossacks are fabricated. You don't know what you're talking about...

And as I said there is no need to put your name there because everyone can see your name. This was just a remark.

21-08-2004, 13:20
"e.g. there was a slight differeence between russian and french voluntigeur, diffeences in uniforms, in experience and way of training depending on many things like financial possibilities of each country..."
there will be such difference, hippie. not exactly, but when f.e. you, playing for Polska, will conquer Prussia, where teutonic knights are available, you will be able to recruit them, but for price twice higher than somebody playing for Teutonic order.

And, of course i must agree with Finn. there was no diference between swordsmen or knights from Poland, Bohemia, France and Germany. Only one: in Bohemia and Poland they were about 100 years after France

21-08-2004, 13:35
Hipolit we allready have that we got western european culture eastern european culture and muslim culture

21-08-2004, 23:14
Hipolit we allready have that we got western european culture eastern european culture and muslim culture

Ah! And this is what I wanted to know! :hello:

Thanks for some chunks of knowledge! It is always better to explain things and to discuss than to offence others [a guy from Croatia...]. :cool:

I am happy that we understood each other finally. :cheers: We were all in some sence right! :rolleyes:

Best wishes

Hipolit 8)

22-08-2004, 03:04
I offended you?!? Tell me where?

22-08-2004, 10:05
And btw. you don't need to put your name under every post since everyone can see your name above...

I think he sees that as an offence :sick:

22-08-2004, 18:11
Really? :rofl:

23-08-2004, 09:43
You don't know what you're talking about...


War or piece... :cheers: :cool:


PS. there is not ps this time...

23-08-2004, 18:13
So how is that an offense? Didn't you admitted yourself that you didn't knew what you're talking about?

I am sorry your highness...some people... :rolleyes:

24-08-2004, 16:46
Uh oh....that is going to hurt...

27-08-2004, 21:01
i think the slavic units are a bit to simple

29-08-2004, 16:17
I dont see camel???????

29-08-2004, 17:37
Camel Riders...

29-08-2004, 17:39
I dont see camel???????There were no cigarettes in that era.


31-08-2004, 04:15
Maybe he means Turkish (Ottoman Empire) unites with camels in the game

05-09-2004, 16:12
Yes i turkish but camel best warrior in desert maybe arabs likes it but ottoman emp and seljuks dont use camel.And all historical games use it.(aoe rtw .....)

06-09-2004, 21:33
How did you conclude that they don't use camels? Camel Rider is a very general unit and all Middle East and North African countries in game will definately use them. They just won't have the name "Turkish Camel Riders" and similar lame names...