View Full Version : My concerns about this upcoming patch

19-01-2007, 18:45
Little to nothing has been shared to us about the contents of this supposed miracle development in the works. It is my concern that the issues we want dealt with might not be dealt with at all.

The developer has not posted a fix list which to me is a flag. There has been some mention of the campaign, my guess is that they simply ramped up the AI's aggressiveness towards the player. This is good however I am doubtful as to rather the AI will truly act as a human and utilize the many features in the game they have never been able to use.

Namely, Siege Equipment, stronger units, the right buildings. But most importantly there has been no mention at all about the AI in battles. Their inability to conduct a proper assault will render any affectiveness they have on the campaign, useless. I am unsure as to rather this developer is CAPABLE of fixing these things, surely they are trying and did try in its development.

Even CA, with its vast resources, is just now on the second patch dealing with the AI on Assaults. Granted their patches come out about 20 times sooner, but they are massively larger in terms of resources and market share. So I do expect a seamless AI from them after a few more patches. But BSS cannot measure up, simply in terms of capability. That is my guess. Which is a shame because the creativity is brilliant. Theres just little skill in refining these creative functions into a balanced game where the AI can use them.

In light of this, I would offer a solution that would make the difference from this game sinking into total abscurity or remaining a classic that would become far more popular than even at its release, for years to come.

The key is multiplayer. Unlike Total War, by some unitentional genius, this game is not turn based and therefore perfect for online campaign situations. You see, Total War could never be multiplayer because the campaign is done in turns but the battles in real time. So if 6 people are playing and 1 attacks another, everyone has to wait while that battle is going. In this game, battles can happen simultaniously allowing for a dozen people to be online attacking each others castles and burning villages with multiple armies and the low memory cost could allow me to play the thing in a window and do my work at the same time!!

So BSS, this is not a request or a demand, no, I am BEGGING! Release this with enough of it open so that this can be modded OR take the step yourselfs, make it multiplayer and put it on gamespy or some equivalent.

If BSS would allow modders the oppurtunity to perfect this game, it would be a legend! Even the single player mode could be fixed with a few months of modder attention, simply because it doesn't take money to keep it going!

My predictions are not overly hopeful, however. I doubt BSS would do this, but if it happened it would be revolutionary indeed.

Perhaps someone should duplicate this game in an open source version, that would be brilliant.

20-01-2007, 10:26
I don't think I have a reason to doubt if the patch comes or not.

On the other hand, I don't understand what's the big deal that the list of improvements in the patch wasn't released yet, at least a scetch of it, some basic points.

Other doubts are how the AI can be improved. Be honest, we shouldn't expect too much, it's just a patch. But at the same time, I recognized some not very visible changes.
1) The ownership of KoH rights is now shared by both BSS and SF
2) BSS work on their other game and I think they want to improve their public name before they enter the last stage of development
3) if you see who is the one to inform us about the patch, it's Frujin/BSS, not Sunflowers
4) Frujin is the father of KoH if I understand it well. We'll see his honour - will he do everything to make KoH legendary or surrender? According to point 1 I believe he will do what he can.

Yes, the multiplayer would be the key to a legendary game. Furthemore, from what I heard about other games, there is no game which suits beter to MP campaign concepr. With no "pause during battles" I see no technical problem except the map size. If a Total conquest just against AI takes normal player not less than 10 hours (if he's really fast), how long would a multiplayer campaign last?
On the other hand if a company OFFERS(!!!) such feature, the gamers will kiss their hands, just because the CAN play it.
I think I suggested Regional multiplayer campaign at least 10 times over here and I think it eliminates this problem. The concept of KoH fits perfectly to the campaign multiplayer.

But do you really think a company would put such feature in a FREE patch?
If you'd have a unique system desired by everybody, would you give it for free?

I think that my demand of debuged and fully functional editor in the patch is way too much to expect. But it was stated several times that the game will be much more opened to the modders. Honestly I think we deserve it, we as community that - eventhough not being very numerous - did everything to spread information about this wonderfull game all around the internet and many of actual owners of KoH did buy it because they were informed by us, not by those who were payed to do so!

I'm not afraid to say that people like Anguille and kevincompton did as much - if not even more - as people in Sunflowers for promotion of Knights of Honor.

20-01-2007, 11:09
I would gladly pay a charge for the new patch if it included the campaign multiplayer. $$$Whatever they ask to makethat happen.$$$ No problem.