View Full Version : is the trade route with the new patch work well ?

Lord Rothschild $$$
27-01-2007, 01:25
I have a little problem to deal with the trade route income I got four trade goods I hire my prince to be a merchant and trade gold with Germany (calm relation) and guest :angry: what I earn 2 gold why :confused: because a mod I have or the patch.

27-01-2007, 01:49
if you still have a mod it might be the problem, but they promissed to decrease the trade income to lower the advantage the player has over AI (player uses much more merchans than the AI)

Improve your relations with them maybe?

Lord Rothschild $$$
27-01-2007, 02:10
if you still have a mod it might be the problem, but they promissed to decrease the trade income to lower the advantage the player has over AI (player uses much more merchans than the AI)

Improve your relations with them maybe?

I play Koh with my own mod hmmm perhaps I must to Uninstall the game and then install my mod :silly: Elvain do you play the patched game with your mod yet.

27-01-2007, 02:55
I play Koh with my own mod hmmm perhaps I must to Uninstall the game and then install my mod :silly: Elvain do you play the patched game with your mod yet.
no, I first want to touch it, though I am considering to install the mapchanges, as the map really unsatisfies me.

But I surely won't change defs for some time now. I want to enjoy the patch as it was made. It deserves it :go:

27-01-2007, 05:03
Merchant income is very, very low! My understanding is by design! Also Frujin reported that any Mods would need to be reworked after the patch. That the files that the Mods are changing are also the files the patch is changing, so the Mods will not act the same they used to act without reworking them.

You will find his statement here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=15611)!

Kris Rhodes
31-01-2007, 19:05
On normal, with the patch, I am generally getting trade income around 10. Is that high?

I have another question. Sometimes, I am not able to trade gold with another nation, instead, I can only trade a trade good. Why can't I trade money with this country?


31-01-2007, 19:10
On normal, with the patch, I am generally getting trade income around 10. Is that high?

I have another question. Sometimes, I am not able to trade gold with another nation, instead, I can only trade a trade good. Why can't I trade money with this country?


Before the patch you could usually get early on a gold trade of 30+ with later stages some merchants racking in close to 200 gold.

As for trading gold, you can only have one merchant trading gold with a country, so if you are assigning 2 merchants to trade with the same country, only one can trade gold.

31-01-2007, 19:12
I noticed that you can trade for gold only one at a time with every kingdoms. If you already trade for gold you will have the option to trade for other ressources but not gold.

Kris Rhodes
31-01-2007, 19:46
I don't think either of these conditions applies to the game I was playing, but I'll check my savegame tonight to be sure.
