View Full Version : AI spy behavior

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29-01-2007, 10:38
my spy became king of Poland, and dutifully handed the crown over to me. In one step, my kingdom doubled in size. The reaction from my neighbours? Nothing. Everyone is still sitting on "neutral". Surely such a huge development, geopolitically, should have at least made everyone nervous... Imagine the paranoia today if Venzuela and Columbia announced that they were going merge, or Pakistan and Afghanistan...
The change is not immediate, but they will surely start to hate you soon.
Or at least their behaviour will change :go:

29-01-2007, 11:35
if I may say... in my case, I had this problem (and sometimes heavily in spite of family members as educated, defending spies) often BEFORE the patch. By reading your reports, I thought that the AI was using spies even more and even more effectively. But in my only game with the patch 1.05, I must admit that it seems I have not been seeing an enemy spy yet in my court. Either they are still hiding or the AI kingdoms neglect me still... I have expanded relatively slowly from Bohemia.

29-01-2007, 17:44
I too have found that my kingdom has not been affected by spies in anyway. Though I always have practiced good counter-eisponage techquices. Still I have a non-family (this I mean he has never been apart of my royal family) and he has been faithful so far. Perhaps I'm not giving the AI enough chances to imflarate my court. I'll hire more merchants, since they can only take money from me, and see what will happen.