View Full Version : problem with deleting the walkpaths

29-01-2007, 13:41
how can I delete walkpaths........... sometimes I destroy some buildings (small church, land for wool etc.) and I want to replace them with bigger buildings but the walkpaths are bloking the requered space and I cannot do anything about them..........

29-01-2007, 13:53
Welcome to the forum banebg :halloha:

get the pick axe up from the menu lower left
klick on the walkpath and it's gone :wink:

29-01-2007, 22:01
hi all, the OPs question has saved me a thread :p , i was gonna ask the same thing , thx LadyH

29-01-2007, 22:03
you're welcome tega http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/froehlich/e025.gif

30-01-2007, 14:22
Here's a little trick I found for mass deletion of the same things.
Using the pick axe for deletion, hold your left mouse button down and you will be able to delete all paths that you highlight without deleting anything else that might be in the way.

This trick also works on buildings and stuff of the same kind.