View Full Version : piety, monastaries and kingdom power

30-01-2007, 04:02
Dear modders, I have a few questions.

First of all, is it possible to reduce the amount of monastaries that exist in a province? One province i have has like 5! If this can be reduced, then piety might hold a bit more value as something to build up.

To further balance piety better, I would want to increase the cost of piety for kingdom power, would doing this have a negative effect on the AI?

Its just my view that piety should be more like gold or books, in that you should have to work harder to attain it. And perhaps certain buildings should even cost piety, such as a church etc. Is this possible without harming the AI? If so let me know, I would like to have these changes on my personal version so I would do it myself or if anyone likes the ideas and will use them let me know and just send me those changes.

Thanks for any help
List of things I ultimately will want in my version:

1. Whatever the modders come up with to get the AI to build walls (any luck on this?)

2. Higher bonus for governors. I like to use builders and farmers or even merchants in my towns.

3. Piety rebalance as mentioned above (fewer monastaries and higher piety cost for KP, also possible piety costs for religious buildings).

this is all I see wrong with it thus far and it all seems pretty attainable. Obviously I'm most concerned with the first problem.

30-01-2007, 12:21
First of all, is it possible to reduce the amount of monastaries that exist in a province? One province i have has like 5! If this can be reduced, then piety might hold a bit more value as something to build up.I'm not sure if this is possible. Monasteries, farms etc. are spread randomly so I doubt about it.

To further balance piety better, I would want to increase the cost of piety for kingdom power, would doing this have a negative effect on the AI?

Its just my view that piety should be more like gold or books, in that you should have to work harder to attain it. And perhaps certain buildings should even cost piety, such as a church etc. Is this possible without harming the AI? If so let me know, I would like to have these changes on my personal version so I would do it myself or if anyone likes the ideas and will use them let me know and just send me those changes.it should be possible without harming the AI except several kingdoms (crusader states which are on non-catholic provinces)
The idea of church requiring piety sounds interesting. You are right that piety is too easy to obtain for 95% of kingdoms and for the others it's too hard

List of things I ultimately will want in my version:
1. Whatever the modders come up with to get the AI to build walls (any luck on this?)

2. Higher bonus for governors. I like to use builders and farmers or even merchants in my towns.

3. Piety rebalance as mentioned above (fewer monastaries and higher piety cost for KP, also possible piety costs for religious buildings).
1. This is possible and I see some development in this case. I lowered price of Palisade and moved it up on th elist of AI building priorities and it works (as it did before the patch :wink:)
2. This is very easy and could be done. Unfortunately no moddable bonus is able to made them any usefull (I can make the builder to add 100 workers per turn, but it won't make him any more useful: you will just need him for shorter time in that one province you need to build faster. The same with landlord)
3. the KP cost is possible (I'm considering it), monasteries not AFAIK, piety cost for religious buildings surely is possible (I will try and test it)
The problem is that if one use my mod and mapchanges, kingdoms like Jerusalem, Latins etc will be forced to expand to catholic provinces in order to be able to convert their provinces or even to build churches.
The reason is more realistic map (provinices in Greece are Orthodox, provinces in the Middle east are Muslim or Orthodox)

22-02-2007, 22:08
A more general comment......The actions of Govenors, Builders, Clerics ..... all seem to have very minor impact on overall game play - this is why I made the following comment in the 'Wish List' thread.

"All of the other ‘royals’ (Clerics, Builders, Traders, Spies, even the King) really have very little ‘active’ roles in the game play (compared to Marshals). Yes they all can be assigned roles, but after assignment they really mostly just sit passively at the royal court and wait – it seems such a waste in terms of game play."

Anything that the modders can come up with that upgrades the importance and influence of these characters on game play (ie their actions influencing such things as piety, monastries, kingdom power.........) would increase the strategic choices in the game and be be greatly appreciated.