View Full Version : in-battle morale system: flanking

04-02-2007, 15:49
I have the feeling that flanking a unit does not really give a morale malus to the flanked unit. I just cannot see it or it is missing?

other factors which should actually be in are morale malus due to being target of missiles, or being fighting against a much larger number of men, but the flanking-morale-fall is very important for a wargame.

04-02-2007, 15:51
I'm sure it works. Maybe the "penalty" is not low enough, but there certainly is :go:

04-02-2007, 20:03
allright, thank you for your answer :go:

since you have modded already, do you know which files are regulating the battle stats? it would be very interesting to see if it is possible to mod this part of the game, slow it down a bit and increase such effect. The mass routing is already there, I often see the morale of the enemy sinks when one unit retreats. The challenge would be to keep a good balance, though.