09-02-2007, 22:40
MOD HARD Invasion 1.05 Final conditions 12.04.2007
My thanks apply for Sunflowers and BSS to the implementation of the Patches 1.05.
Before you uses my Mod, your play must have the Patchversion 1.05.
Which comes to you:
The changes in detail:
The import subsequent costs of exotic goods were reduced.
By the acquisition of the royal achievement silk road the profits are increased no longer doubled to separate only by half.
Catapults on the wall fire only 1 to 3 projectiles instead of 3 to 6. Their projectile dispersion was increased.
Projectile dispersion of the hitting a corner tower projectiles and ballista tower projectiles was increased.
Attrition values easily reduces.
From 5 to 10 own provinces the AI worries strengthened about the player. The AI armies flooding your kingdom.
The water ditch was removed. Altogether three free building sites were created.
The attitude costs are the following:
Marshal = 500
Builder = 1000
Landlord = 1000
Spy = 2000
Cleric = 1500
Trader = 1000
Trader, builder and land lord are now more useful. Straight small countries will appreciate this advantage. That is, the trader, builder and landlord have now a Boni of 3 instead of 1. It is worthwhile itself to really use five stars a trader in a city with commodities as city owners.
The AI clerics convert repeatedly the provinces
Exkommunicated halves the acquisition of piety, books and reduces the income and the armies has -3 to the moral
In the play it will give over 150 events for the player.
Here the events:
F = Famine/Hungersnot x 90
P = Plague/plague x 34
RH = Revolt/revolt x 10
R = religion x 10
Rw = religion being/religion rebellion x 5
K = Kingfamily/royal attendance x 10
M = minoritypay/Hilfegesuch x 20
Holy = Crown OF Christi/the thorn crown Christi x 1
C = Crusader/crusades x 8
Kath = Katharer/Katharerkreuzzug x 2
Islam down/Islamic faith entwurzelt x 3
orthodox down/orthodox one faith entwurzelt x 3
catholicdown/catholic faith entwurzelt x 3
The position of power brings in no more gold! The position of power serves for it the resistance in that own country to break. For this like always gold and piousness must be invested. With a high position of power you can place safely the tax on the highest stage. The tax are also times used by this change. The tax are for 10 inhabitant units 1 gold. With a tax the rebellion risk +5 rises. The AI has a higher tax. The city tributes were reduced. Some cities cannot pay tributes. Only economic buildings make possible this. The marshal needs to need the combat units for a level now somewhat longer and for the acquisition of an experience star also somewhat longer.
The following changes in the abilities:
engineering 1.level can lead catapults and battering ram
engineering 2.level can lead Trebuchets
engineering 3.level can lead ballists
You see new units: Battlefield Catapult and Battlefield Trebuchet
For the Battlefield Trebuchet must be built before a siege workshop,armory and stables. Battlefield Trebuchets are available only in some provinces. Battlefield Trebuchets can only in the menu restaurants units are acquired and to be able as garrision to be used. Battlefield Trebuchets have an enormous range and fire 1 to 3 projectiles. The ammunition is limited. The dispersion of the projectiles is large. Those City damage by Battlefield Trebuchets is large. Battlefield Trebuchets reach in the open battleground and into the city attack with priority soldiers on.
For the Battlefield Catapults a siege workshop and a armory must be built before. Battlefield Catapults are only in some provinces available and can be used as garrision. They have a large Range and fire 1 to 3 projectiles. The ammunition is limited. The dispersion of the projectiles is normally. Battlefield Catapults attack the soldiers in the open battleground and in the fastened city. Battlefield Catapults have now a moral.
Balliste ammunition is limited
Rebels/Loyalisten can acquire Battlefield Catapults and Battlefield Trebuchets. In the mercenary camp Battlefield Trebuchets and Battlefield Catapults are available.
The laddermen will participate actively now in the open battleground in the fight. Laddermen have a increased moral.
Imagine: AI troops with one or more catapults/trebuchets and four laddermens attack your castle. Your bowmens wait for the attackers on the walls. The AI laddermens running to the walls and the catapults/trebuchets attack your bowmens on the walls. The damages from the tre/catapults are great(not only in the town, also in the normaly battlefields)
Another situation: Your troops stand in front of the castle to assault the town, but....a big noise in the air come near to you..big stones falling of your armies..the defender of the town have trebuchets and catapults.
Tactics: The values were lowered.
siegecraft: Values easily reduces.
The initial costs of the siege machinery devices one lowered.
Rebels or sympathizers arise in the strength of 720/600/480/and 360 men, whereby the 360 men is the rule. Per kingdom only one army will rise. (In rare cases two Loyalistenarmeen). All farmer units are replaced by better units. Fight thus as fast as possible. After a plundering the army receives an experience star (3% combat strength) and an elite unit.
The following provinces will use new battlegrounds:
In the high north: Archangelsk, Karelien, Nyland, Finland, Norrland, Götaland, Trondelag
In the alpine region: Bavaria, Hessen, Switzerland, Austria, Brandenburg, Tirol, Salzburg, Istrien
The battlegrounds:
Field 30 = winters, woodencamp
Field 31 = winters, frozen over river
Field 32 = summers, standard
Field 33 = summers, large lake
Field 34 = winters, standard
Field 35 = summers, taiga
Field 36 = winters,harbour
Field 37 = summers, harbour
Field 38 = winters
Field 39 = summers, Waterfall
Field 40 = winters
Field 41 = summers, bridge
Field 42 = winters, extinct volcano
Field 43 = winters, guarded
Field 44 = summers, taiga
Field 45 = winters, plateau
You will see 15 new river crossing battlegrounds ( 3 normaly, 4 winter, 4 desert, 4 palms ).
The difficulty settings are:
easy= same hard as original koh
normaly= same hard as original koh but the war setting is 20
hard= same hard as original koh but the war setting is 30
Old Saves cannot be used. You must download “MOD HARD Invasion 1.05” of the following left:
or here:
MOD HARD Invasion 1.05 Final eng. (
The Download is large over 14 MB.
Installation instruction:
1. If in the KoH file another MOD is present already, these delete.
2. The defs file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
3. The map file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
4. The text file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
5. The images file from the zip file into KoH file copy.
Importantly: After you play your kingdom you must change first your tax to no tax!!!After you changing the tax to no tax you can change the tax if you will. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
If you use the cheat bsswitch , so you must start your game with the last savingpoint, because the cheat bsswitch make the new taxpoint unable.
The new battlegrounds are activated in the new play, after you save your game and then load the save game. After this the program use the new battlegrounds. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
Your feedback in this Thread writes. Much fun!
My thanks apply for Sunflowers and BSS to the implementation of the Patches 1.05.
Before you uses my Mod, your play must have the Patchversion 1.05.
Which comes to you:
The changes in detail:
The import subsequent costs of exotic goods were reduced.
By the acquisition of the royal achievement silk road the profits are increased no longer doubled to separate only by half.
Catapults on the wall fire only 1 to 3 projectiles instead of 3 to 6. Their projectile dispersion was increased.
Projectile dispersion of the hitting a corner tower projectiles and ballista tower projectiles was increased.
Attrition values easily reduces.
From 5 to 10 own provinces the AI worries strengthened about the player. The AI armies flooding your kingdom.
The water ditch was removed. Altogether three free building sites were created.
The attitude costs are the following:
Marshal = 500
Builder = 1000
Landlord = 1000
Spy = 2000
Cleric = 1500
Trader = 1000
Trader, builder and land lord are now more useful. Straight small countries will appreciate this advantage. That is, the trader, builder and landlord have now a Boni of 3 instead of 1. It is worthwhile itself to really use five stars a trader in a city with commodities as city owners.
The AI clerics convert repeatedly the provinces
Exkommunicated halves the acquisition of piety, books and reduces the income and the armies has -3 to the moral
In the play it will give over 150 events for the player.
Here the events:
F = Famine/Hungersnot x 90
P = Plague/plague x 34
RH = Revolt/revolt x 10
R = religion x 10
Rw = religion being/religion rebellion x 5
K = Kingfamily/royal attendance x 10
M = minoritypay/Hilfegesuch x 20
Holy = Crown OF Christi/the thorn crown Christi x 1
C = Crusader/crusades x 8
Kath = Katharer/Katharerkreuzzug x 2
Islam down/Islamic faith entwurzelt x 3
orthodox down/orthodox one faith entwurzelt x 3
catholicdown/catholic faith entwurzelt x 3
The position of power brings in no more gold! The position of power serves for it the resistance in that own country to break. For this like always gold and piousness must be invested. With a high position of power you can place safely the tax on the highest stage. The tax are also times used by this change. The tax are for 10 inhabitant units 1 gold. With a tax the rebellion risk +5 rises. The AI has a higher tax. The city tributes were reduced. Some cities cannot pay tributes. Only economic buildings make possible this. The marshal needs to need the combat units for a level now somewhat longer and for the acquisition of an experience star also somewhat longer.
The following changes in the abilities:
engineering 1.level can lead catapults and battering ram
engineering 2.level can lead Trebuchets
engineering 3.level can lead ballists
You see new units: Battlefield Catapult and Battlefield Trebuchet
For the Battlefield Trebuchet must be built before a siege workshop,armory and stables. Battlefield Trebuchets are available only in some provinces. Battlefield Trebuchets can only in the menu restaurants units are acquired and to be able as garrision to be used. Battlefield Trebuchets have an enormous range and fire 1 to 3 projectiles. The ammunition is limited. The dispersion of the projectiles is large. Those City damage by Battlefield Trebuchets is large. Battlefield Trebuchets reach in the open battleground and into the city attack with priority soldiers on.
For the Battlefield Catapults a siege workshop and a armory must be built before. Battlefield Catapults are only in some provinces available and can be used as garrision. They have a large Range and fire 1 to 3 projectiles. The ammunition is limited. The dispersion of the projectiles is normally. Battlefield Catapults attack the soldiers in the open battleground and in the fastened city. Battlefield Catapults have now a moral.
Balliste ammunition is limited
Rebels/Loyalisten can acquire Battlefield Catapults and Battlefield Trebuchets. In the mercenary camp Battlefield Trebuchets and Battlefield Catapults are available.
The laddermen will participate actively now in the open battleground in the fight. Laddermen have a increased moral.
Imagine: AI troops with one or more catapults/trebuchets and four laddermens attack your castle. Your bowmens wait for the attackers on the walls. The AI laddermens running to the walls and the catapults/trebuchets attack your bowmens on the walls. The damages from the tre/catapults are great(not only in the town, also in the normaly battlefields)
Another situation: Your troops stand in front of the castle to assault the town, but....a big noise in the air come near to you..big stones falling of your armies..the defender of the town have trebuchets and catapults.
Tactics: The values were lowered.
siegecraft: Values easily reduces.
The initial costs of the siege machinery devices one lowered.
Rebels or sympathizers arise in the strength of 720/600/480/and 360 men, whereby the 360 men is the rule. Per kingdom only one army will rise. (In rare cases two Loyalistenarmeen). All farmer units are replaced by better units. Fight thus as fast as possible. After a plundering the army receives an experience star (3% combat strength) and an elite unit.
The following provinces will use new battlegrounds:
In the high north: Archangelsk, Karelien, Nyland, Finland, Norrland, Götaland, Trondelag
In the alpine region: Bavaria, Hessen, Switzerland, Austria, Brandenburg, Tirol, Salzburg, Istrien
The battlegrounds:
Field 30 = winters, woodencamp
Field 31 = winters, frozen over river
Field 32 = summers, standard
Field 33 = summers, large lake
Field 34 = winters, standard
Field 35 = summers, taiga
Field 36 = winters,harbour
Field 37 = summers, harbour
Field 38 = winters
Field 39 = summers, Waterfall
Field 40 = winters
Field 41 = summers, bridge
Field 42 = winters, extinct volcano
Field 43 = winters, guarded
Field 44 = summers, taiga
Field 45 = winters, plateau
You will see 15 new river crossing battlegrounds ( 3 normaly, 4 winter, 4 desert, 4 palms ).
The difficulty settings are:
easy= same hard as original koh
normaly= same hard as original koh but the war setting is 20
hard= same hard as original koh but the war setting is 30
Old Saves cannot be used. You must download “MOD HARD Invasion 1.05” of the following left:
or here:
MOD HARD Invasion 1.05 Final eng. (
The Download is large over 14 MB.
Installation instruction:
1. If in the KoH file another MOD is present already, these delete.
2. The defs file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
3. The map file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
4. The text file from the zip file into the KoH file copy.
5. The images file from the zip file into KoH file copy.
Importantly: After you play your kingdom you must change first your tax to no tax!!!After you changing the tax to no tax you can change the tax if you will. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
If you use the cheat bsswitch , so you must start your game with the last savingpoint, because the cheat bsswitch make the new taxpoint unable.
The new battlegrounds are activated in the new play, after you save your game and then load the save game. After this the program use the new battlegrounds. You must make this everytime, if you start a new kingdom.
Your feedback in this Thread writes. Much fun!