View Full Version : Calvary units and auto-resolve battles

Kris Rhodes
13-02-2007, 01:42
It seems like when I auto-resolve a battle, I nearly always lose all my calvary quite quickly.

Has anyone else noticed this?


13-02-2007, 02:32
I have noticed that all melee troops suffer high casualties in auto-resolve, unlike the ranged troops! :go:

13-02-2007, 05:24
I have noticed that all melee troops suffer high casualties in auto-resolve, unlike the ranged troops! :go:

wonder why?!:wink:

Kris Rhodes
13-02-2007, 08:39
Err...... I wonder why as well.... except with no :wink:



13-02-2007, 13:00
Err...... I wonder why as well.... except with no :wink:



It is only natural that they do! They face the brunt of the fighting! :go:

13-02-2007, 18:54
It seems like when I auto-resolve a battle, I nearly always lose all my calvary quite quickly.

Has anyone else noticed this?

I have actually, and i've tried everything to give them better odds on the battlefield (marshal skills, joining an army that has already started fighting,...) but i always end up losing 3-8 units, only my first 3 star unit always survives and the others die too fast to gain proper expierience. I never let my cavalry army go in to battle by itself so my marshal always survives and is now super skilled but i still keep losing my units :bash:

13-02-2007, 22:33
I always auto resolve the battles

Its not that i dont like the battles it just seems i lose my marshal a lot when i play. I never lost a marshal in a auto battle until all my units are dead

I usally retreat before that happens :lol:

13-02-2007, 22:57
me too
but anyway, nothing can beat feudal knights except pikeman or something like that, and they aren't very common
I don't use light cavalry or crappy units like that

14-02-2007, 18:19
Doing autobattle mostly ...

I use "only cavalryarmies" after couple of hours of gameplay.
Since 2 years my preferred composition is 2 light cavalry, 3 feudal knights and 4 horsearchers.
In this way i just loose one or two lcav and maybe sometimes one feudal knight is scratched and as far as i remember i never lost those mounted archers.
Needless to say that i never let them conquer a city.

With that hasteskill they are just perfect for a huge Reich, knocking down rebellion here, doing some pillaging there and in the end they are ideal to intercept hostile armies. :cool: