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15-02-2007, 07:38
Hi All,

I have been having fun playing 1701 but I am running into a wall. I have two main population islands. My first has Aristocrats and is receiving talismans from the Aztecs. However, my second island is ready to move to Aristocrats but I am unable to supply both islands with Talismans. The Aztecs do not produce enough to supply both islands!

What can I do?

I could buy from the Free Trader but I can't setup a trade route to do that.

I could become friendly with the pirates but that would require wiping out a foreign culture.

Is there a third option? How/When do Aristocrats start needing the other foreign trade goods like Jade, Fur, and such?

15-02-2007, 07:51

Is there a third option? ...
yes :go: there is
it's called passive trading (http://www.anno1701.de/launch/index.php?lg=en&l1=wirtschaft&l2=freier+haendler&l3=warenhandel) http://www.cosgan.de/images/smilie/frech/e025.gif

and welcome on board Ruiner :halloha:

15-02-2007, 13:05
and if you still don't have enough. also buy talisman at your production islands and transport it to your main islands from there...

15-02-2007, 13:09
Hello Ruiner! Try this link (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=15414) for some suggestions about Colonial goods.

You will only have need of one Colonial good per game. In your current game they need Talismans, in your next, they may need Fur or Jade or Ivory, but you may get them needing Talismans again. The one they will need is randomly selected at the beginning of the game.

15-02-2007, 13:58
There is also another way to help on the 'colonial good'. If you have merchants that are waiting to be upgraded you can click on the good you don't want them to use until it builds up a quanity. You will need to allow them to have that good to upgrade but in the meantime you can just build up the amount in your warehouse.

15-02-2007, 16:11
There is also another way to help on the 'colonial good'. If you have merchants that are waiting to be upgraded you can click on the good you don't want them to use until it builds up a quanity. You will need to allow them to have that good to upgrade but in the meantime you can just build up the amount in your warehouse.

Just when I think I'm getting the hang of this game, something comes up that totally confuses me. :bash: This is my problem... I'm at Merchant level and by doing some quests for the freetrader I'm getting some colonial goods. I put that back in my warehouse where I want to save it for when I have everything I need to start having aristocrats. But, the goods get used up by the merchants. I guess I've missed something basic here, but what *exactly* do I click on to stop those goods from being used. There are so many buttons in this game (some in places I wouldn't have guessed) that I don't know exactly what to do. :confused: Please be specific... And I thank you.

15-02-2007, 16:27
Click on a Merchant house, then click on the colonial good. A red "X" should appear over the picture of the good, if you are successful. The Merchants will now leave the colonial good alone until you release it to them.

15-02-2007, 19:07
Click on a Merchant house, then click on the colonial good. A red "X" should appear over the picture of the good, if you are successful. The Merchants will now leave the colonial good alone until you release it to them.

OK, thanks. I'll try that. I assume to release the goods I just click on it again? I thought by clicking on the bottom right corner (after clicking on the house) to block all goods that would take them to the next level of civilization was how to do it, but that didn't work. BTW, what is the strategy behind using this bottom right button? Does this info exist in the manual? If it does I must have missed it... Thanks again.

15-02-2007, 19:13
Thanks everyone for the replies!

I will try passive trading at my production islands as soon as I can.

Although, I remember trying to setup passive trading at my second population island and I did not see Talismans listed. I assume I will at my production islands?

Also, if the colonial good is pre-selected at the beginning of the game then why are the other colonial goods available? Do they serve any purpose for the population?

15-02-2007, 20:32
Also, if the colonial good is pre-selected at the beginning of the game then why are the other colonial goods available? Do they serve any purpose for the population?

The AI has need of colonial goods as well, it would not be good for everyone to be competing for the same colonial good, now would it!

Four colonial goods, you and three AI's needing to advance to Aristocrats, four colonial goods needed.

16-02-2007, 22:24
That sounds to me like you could buy the "other" colonial goods, stock them somewhere, and sell them at a profit to the AIs (or perhaps the ubiquitous trader). That's not a direct connection with your population, but it might help your financial health.

You can only buy the "colonial good" from the culture if you are fraternized with them. And you can only fraternize with one at a time!

17-02-2007, 15:36
...But why do I have a concern? I'll always be wrong.

Naaaah, at least I hope you refer to the future only...:scratch:

btw, which branch of the government did you serve in...:huh: :wink: :cheers:

17-02-2007, 21:02
"Colonial good" refers to only the "four" goods offered upon fraternization with the foreign cultures, the four items known as, furs, talismans, ivory and jade. The other goods you can trade woth the foreign cultures are regular goods that can be produced and traded by you. And you can trade those goods offered and requested by the cultures with all four cultures, nothing has ever been stated otherwise.

However I have never known the Iroquois to sell wood or buy wool, nor the Indians to sell alcohol, nor the Asians to sell weapons, nor the Aztecs to sell tobacco or buy tools.

18-02-2007, 15:00
However I have never known the Iroquois to sell wood or buy wool, nor the Indians to sell alcohol, nor the Asians to sell weapons, nor the Aztecs to sell tobacco or buy tools.

Me either... What version game do you have BaldJim? :confused:

18-02-2007, 15:25
Me either... What version game do you have BaldJim? :confused:

He doesn't have the game, his machine doesn't meet requirements!

18-02-2007, 21:08
but it appears to me that there has been a strong tendency to focus the discussion of trade with the "foreign/colonial cultures" so exclusively on the four colonial goods required for the "Aristocrats," that the other trade items and trade itself loses out in the discussion.

Well it would be understandable that the discussion in this thread would lean heavily to talk of the 4 colonial goods, being the title is "Need More Talismans!".

How does information about the trade of the normal goods help this person in his quest for more of the colonial good?

We do have other threads that discuss the abilities and importance of setting up trade routes between the cultures and buying from one to sell to the other and the ability to make a little cash in doing so.

19-02-2007, 14:48
But you may do that with only ONE of them at a time.

actualy this is not true
you can be in ally with more than one foreign/colonial cultures, how you can do it:
there are 3 levels of "trust" (as i notise, and as you too) in their trading/political behaviour
1. you may buy 2 things (non allyed - yelow)
2. you may buy 3 things (non allyed - green)
3. you may buy 4 things (allyed - green)

You must get to "non allyed - green" - position (2), do NOT fraternize with them, if you keep active trade with them they will offer you alliance anyway, BUT till then you must sink several ships an get to the "green zone" with the pirates. When foreign culture offer you an ally, do NOT accept it immediately (there is a little time for you to choose - to do it or not), first offer an alliance to the pirates, they will accept, and then you accept the offer from foreign culture ... and you have 2 places for colonial goods and 2 free "special abilities"
I manage to do this only one time.

19-02-2007, 22:17
Welcome to the forum, Jinsun! :halloha:

actualy this is not true
you can be in ally with more than one foreign/colonial cultures, how you can do it:
there are 3 levels of "trust" (as i notise, and as you too) in their trading/political behaviour
1. you may buy 2 things (non allyed - yelow)
2. you may buy 3 things (non allyed - green)
3. you may buy 4 things (allyed - green)

You must get to "non allyed - green" - position (2), do NOT fraternize with them, if you keep active trade with them they will offer you alliance anyway, BUT till then you must sink several ships an get to the "green zone" with the pirates. When foreign culture offer you an ally, do NOT accept it immediately (there is a little time for you to choose - to do it or not), first offer an alliance to the pirates, they will accept, and then you accept the offer from foreign culture ... and you have 2 places for colonial goods and 2 free "special abilities"
I manage to do this only one time.

I believe you misundersyand the conversation, and are giving some misinformation. We are not discussing pirates here, as they are not one of the "four" foreign/native cultures. The point being made was that you could not be allied with more than one of the "four" !

There is nothing that will prevent you from being allied with one of the "four" and the pirate at the same time. I allied with the pirates after I had been allied with Tetonka for 2 hours of game time. And yes I had access to lightning storm and pirate attack!

The pirate does not fall into the same grouping as the native cultures!

The point still remains, "you cannot be allied with more than one of the foreign/native cultures at the same time!"

I will also note that the colonial goods are cheaper from the trader than they are from the pirate!

20-02-2007, 09:12
well replace the pirates with other culture and it will work fine
the necessity condition is: the both neutral culture must be "free" non allyed with other player, and the diferent is instead of sinking a ships you must trade with them and get to the level 2 relationship.

but you don't get more colonial goods of your type so there is no point to do that
btw: if you already have an alliance with some of them and you broke it to try the above, your ex-ally wont offer you again an alliance ... atleast they wont do it for a long time.

20-02-2007, 13:01
I have heard of people getting alliance with two, by breaking the alliance with one and two others offering alliance at the same time and they were able to accept both, but that was supposedly fixed in the patch to prevent it happening.