View Full Version : Help for modding needed

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16-02-2007, 21:43
I was planing to add some provinces to KoH europe map, but I run into a few problems. Thats why I need some help. Anyone here?

Well the first step - adding four island provinces - seems to work so far. They are shown on map, it is possible to build something in that towns and all seems fine. Except the political maps. (I asked in the German forum here as well, if you want to see some pics of my additions, you may vistit that thread over there (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?p=294138&posted=1).)

Here are my problems with this map now:

1. What is the secret of base.bmp and introbase.bmp? I changed and saved it, but it looks as if got a "wrong" BMP format. There are color mistakes and the scale of that pic seems no longer to fit (look screenshot). Don't know why. :sick:

2. The realms.bmp seems to have a secret too (same for introrealms.bmp). There is some conection between the number of the province [1 ... 168 ... 172] and the rate of blue pixel colour. But this not all. The politcal map don't work, even if I add colors with 169, 170, 171 or 172 blue pixel color rate (<--- not sure is that therm correct, I'm afraid it is not.).

Is there a limit in color palette or in KoH? What means the white color on index number 173? Is it possible to use more colors than 174 here? I thought 256 would be a limit number, but who knows? Any ideas about the map?

16-02-2007, 22:05
I have just started my own work with the editor, but didn't touch the Europe map. So in those aspect you seem to be further now...

Check the maps in KoH picture folders and you'll find minimaps and political maps. I haven't tried it yet, but I think you have to add the provinces there.

I have just started making map of the middle east, here is a screenshot of my minimap:

I have problems with provinces though
Once you add land province and save the map, you can't edit ptovince borders or add more provinces. Untill it is possible (untill the second save I guess) you can edit realms borders, but to add a new one on land you have to make "empty space" from sea and put a province there

16-02-2007, 22:15
you can solve that problem if you want by doing all work at once, so ok
but this political map thing really ****s

who made map in 1.00 version? I think someone did:confused: how did that work there?

17-02-2007, 00:29
yay, that's what I do, at least untill the realm borders are all done...


17-02-2007, 01:59
how big is that map?

17-02-2007, 12:44
The provinces are really small, eventhough it's "gigantic" format of map (Europe format is even smaller :sad:)

Palestina (http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1496/palestina2fq5.jpg)

btw, I still have rpoblems with the names.
I change them in realms.ini but when I save it and open again, all realms are called Realm again :bash:

17-02-2007, 15:32
:eek: Wow! It looks very cool!

17-02-2007, 19:52
The provinces are really small, eventhough it's "gigantic" format of map (Europe format is even smaller :sad:)

Palestina (http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1496/palestina2fq5.jpg)

btw, I still have rpoblems with the names.
I change them in realms.ini but when I save it and open again, all realms are called Realm again :bash:

change realms name in the editor, it work's as far as i remember

17-02-2007, 22:56
The provinces are really small, eventhough it's "gigantic" format of map (Europe format is even smaller :sad:)

Palestina (http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1496/palestina2fq5.jpg)

btw, I still have rpoblems with the names.
I change them in realms.ini but when I save it and open again, all realms are called Realm again :bash:

hi, what nice :D grat.
what is the mod name? :hello: this change the normal map? I think, the realm's name is in the texts.pak. see the txt in ms word, or or... i dont know... in ms word can you see the tabs, and the br-s. if one tab isn't, the game write the database name.
but it isn't cert...

17-02-2007, 23:56
it never worked for me in the editor, but the names are set in the editor (press once enter after you edit the name, not twice, you won't be able to do anything after that)

18-02-2007, 18:10
it never worked for me in the editor, but the names are set in the editor (press once enter after you edit the name, not twice, you won't be able to do anything after that)
? i dont unterstand that... i press write the skill name to hungaryan, and the game write the database name, because i delete the tab. i press 2 enter, the game write the correct.
how can i broke the text? i write a longer text than the english text, and the hungaryen text hang out fs the messege window...

19-02-2007, 08:33
I have just started my own work with the editor, but didn't touch the Europe map. So in those aspect you seem to be further now...Well, I think, my problems have nothing to do with europe map itself. I still need help with political map view. Actually with base.bmp/introbase.bmp and realms.bmp/introrealms.bmp. If you will make your map running, you have to edit the political map(s) as well. So I hope, here will be a solution soon.

edit: This is, how it looks now: green curl = province is shown, red curl = province is not shown.
http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/3011/politfehltkk0.th.jpg (http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=politfehltkk0.jpg)

19-02-2007, 14:42
I think you have to put the province on that map yourself, didn't you try it?

19-02-2007, 18:18
I'm not sure, if we are talking about the same thing.

Didn't you look on the screenshot? There are two of four provinces shown, (at least in realms.bmp/introrealms.bmp) so it is for sure, I tried to "put the provinces on that maps myself". But I failed by doing this - this is, why I'm asking here.

19-02-2007, 18:58
I have just started my own work with the editor, but didn't touch the Europe map. So in those aspect you seem to be further now...

Check the maps in KoH picture folders and you'll find minimaps and political maps. I haven't tried it yet, but I think you have to add the provinces there.

I have just started making map of the middle east, here is a screenshot of my minimap:

I have problems with provinces though
Once you add land province and save the map, you can't edit ptovince borders or add more provinces. Untill it is possible (untill the second save I guess) you can edit realms borders, but to add a new one on land you have to make "empty space" from sea and put a province there

Elvain, if you finished this map, so i want make for this map new events and battlegrounds.
I hope you can finished your work, better is you sell your map( new campagne ).

19-02-2007, 23:19
Any further help aviable on this topic? I personaly can't fix this for now. It's a pity, since I have some other little map in making but without political maps playing KoH makes no fun, I'm afraid.

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/2983/vorschau1ukrz6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

20-02-2007, 00:46
we need some info
how the f**k was political map created in the first place? Looking at the base.bmp of europe map I've got bad hunc of something called photoshop
then again, i might be wrong

I want to play with map editor :bawling:

20-02-2007, 01:18
I need to make them both, but I think we need to make base.bmp and realms.bmp

introbase.bmp is for picking kingdoms in the startscreen

Those all are just my guesses. We'll see what will happen when I will finnish my realms.bmp and base.bmp for my actual map
realms.bmp (http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/3706/realmsfo3.png)
I searched in KoH files and found no other maps that could be used for politmap. I think once we create these 2 maps in some usable format, we can work with politmap, don't you think?

I might be wrong taking it too easy

20-02-2007, 11:41
I might be wrong taking it too easy:lol:

Sure. It seems so. May be saving in Gimp will not work in the right way, but like I wrote several times, I allready edited base.bmp and realms.bmp for political map and introrealms.bmp/introbase.bmp for picking kingdoms in game start. But it won't work.

I know I have to turn the BMP files after editing and flip it. I also know, there is some connection between realms and color definition. But since it is not working, I believe, I still missed something.

Here is, what I did so far:
base.bmp ---> open in Gimp, make changings in Gimp, then turn it, flip it, save it as 24 bit bmp file. This is the result. Wrong colours and wrong "scale". I really don't know why.
http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/1758/mallepolitka2.th.jpg (http://img111.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mallepolitka2.jpg)

realms.bmp ---> open with Gimp, put new provinces in, change new provinces colors that way, the number of province is exactly the rate of blue, then turn it, flip it, save it. The result is ... different. I tried several times, and each trial gave a different result. Sometimes no provinces were shown, sometimes two provinces, but never all four provinces were visible.

20-02-2007, 19:31
I see, that might be problem.

We'll see what will happen with completely new map.
Just guessing: Are the provinces on realms and base.bmp at exactly same places? that might be the problem?