View Full Version : Britney's bald head?

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Little River
06-03-2007, 22:57
She's wacked out. Her ex-husband is no better. The kids are so unfortunate. Wow! I smell a Lifetime movie in the making!

06-03-2007, 23:20
:rofl: nah! its been done... ever heard of "Mommie Dearest" ???

Little River
07-03-2007, 16:28
LOL! I forgot about that movie! Well, I smell a sequel!! :lol:

07-03-2007, 23:23
yeah and it will be called "Mommie Weirdest" :silly:

Little River
08-03-2007, 16:27
LoL!! But seriously, her youngins need to be taken away from here. Such a sad case:nono:

08-03-2007, 18:48
All I'll say on the matter is:

I never liked her. She has never had any musical talent, all she could do is wear short skirts or otherwise 'sexy' :sick: uniforms in her video's. That's how she made money.

Christina Aguilera used the same formula, but at least she has a good singing voice. I hope Britney never returns to the limelight again and settles down on a quiet farm somewhere far away from me.

Little River
10-03-2007, 04:49
She's still psycho. More so than me!! J/K:silly: