23-02-2007, 16:53
I'm quite happy about the new patch,raises the stakes a bit,the computer is far more aggressive and capable of making itself a threat to kingdom...however I also found during my last campaigns that the CPU hardly recognizes when they are losing a war.I a have encountered kingdoms that I have pillaged every village,destroyed MANY defending armies,killed princess and kings, my army un-ruffled by the war,fresh,ready to kill even more...yet the kingdoms refuse peace.REFUSE IT.they hold their last province.SIX POWERFUL ARMIES SURROUND THEM,and still they won't sign a white peace.:sad:
They no longer recognize superiority.Mostly the only thing that will stop their puny attacks is to give them land....which because I don't do, I have to deal with a world war, until all the sun touches is mine.I would like a chance at peace too...if only to consolidate my domains and grow stronger.:cool:
They no longer recognize superiority.Mostly the only thing that will stop their puny attacks is to give them land....which because I don't do, I have to deal with a world war, until all the sun touches is mine.I would like a chance at peace too...if only to consolidate my domains and grow stronger.:cool: