View Full Version : Simple king title problem

25-02-2007, 17:12
First of all, hello everyone. I'm a (half) KoH fan with not too much experience in the game, but with enough to recognise its value.

After installing the Holy Rome mod, I decided to play around with the files a little bit.
As a Romanian, playing a lot with the Romanian kingdoms (Wallachia and Moldavia), I wanted to change the title from Principality to Voivodeship, and the monarch's title from King to Voivode.
All's well, but in all phases (diplomacy, knights panel, royal family window and the like), it's just shown like "Voivode:cap"...
I've searched many files, and modified the \Texts\knights\titles.txt and titles;more.txt ones, but it just shows like this! Do I have to insert this title anywhere else?

Thanks. :pleased:
I don't like doing this, but can't anyone help me? :sad:

25-02-2007, 21:13
You need only modify titles;more.txt by adding Voivode voivode Voivode Voivoda
(or any other key/base/cap/a/plural combination) at the end of the file and it should work well. Did you use <tab>'s? Don't forget to use a tab between and for every spot (4 tabs in total). Hopefully it'll work now! :go:

26-02-2007, 00:50
I guess Doux has answered your question.

If I may I will add a comment from historical point:
I'd change the titles to voievods, if I'd find it relevant. But I can't hear about Wallachian/Moldavian voievods in pre-Ottoman era, so I couldn't add them

27-02-2007, 17:26
Ok, thanks, I didn't add a tab so I think that does it.
And yes, voievod is the Romanian form, I just wanted an angilicisation. And as far as I know, voivodes existed since the first Romanian-peopled principality. At least I'm sure they used "domn" (dominus).

27-02-2007, 18:01
Ok, thanks, I didn't add a tab so I think that does it.
And yes, voievod is the Romanian form, I just wanted an angilicisation. And as far as I know, voivodes existed since the first Romanian-peopled principality. At least I'm sure they used "domn" (dominus).
Hmmm in bulgaria the leaders of revolution \ against Turkey \ were called Voivodas.

27-02-2007, 19:06
Hmmm in bulgaria the leaders of revolution \ against Turkey \ were called Voivodas.
I guess the term is Slavic, like "boier".

28-02-2007, 00:24
What do you mean half KoH fan? :scratch:

28-02-2007, 18:19
What do you mean half KoH fan? :scratch:
I'm not really a veteran, that's what I meant.