View Full Version : War and Endgame questions

11-03-2007, 00:38
1) If I'm at war and I take over the other player's warehouse, what exactly happens in the immediate area? Here's what's happening: My opponent has a shipyard right next to his warehouse which is also right next to his garrison. If I destroy and then occupy his WH (or a nearby MP for that matter) with one of my units, do I gain control of his SY and garrison (to heal my own ships, make men, etc.)? If *not* does he lose or maintain his ability to use these bldgs (heal ships and make more fighting men)? Or do I have to completely destroy the SY and garrison to stop him from using them? If the former is correct then I assume the most important things to go after first are the WH and MPs of the other player...
2) I have went to war with a player and I thought completely destroyed him. I took over his one island and destroyed all of his ships. Yet, when I go to quit the game and go to the 'score' screen it shows he is still getting points for having people and ships (although very little). In the game on the diplomacy screen his picture is gone, and I checked the map thoroughly and can find no hint of his presence anywhere. I did check the edges of the map for any stray ships, also. His color (green) is nowhere to be seen. Thanks... :confused:

11-03-2007, 01:04
If you occupy his warehouse or a marketplace with a squad of troops that building and every building in its area of influence becomes yours as long as he does not have another marketplace that controls the area the buildings are in!