View Full Version : run-off ballot for the SSC jury

13-03-2007, 15:07
As you can see here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=308473&postcount=89), there has been a stand-off in the election for the SSC jury!
(short summary: freizeitmieze and I: 34 votes; Thunnes and Freak-411: 27 votes)

Freizeitmieze and myself are elected as members of the jury, but Thunnes and Freak-411 got an equal amount of votes. As there should only be 3 persons in the jury and a "part-time" job is not possible, there has to be elected one person to be the third member.

So there will be a run-off ballot for the last remaining seat in the jury. Please feel free to vote:

run-off ballot (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=16600)

The poll will only last for 2 days, so hurry up!!!!!

15-03-2007, 11:53
Personally, I think the runoff poll should have been for a longer period of time! Perhaps the same week long period as the original poll. Some users only visit once or twice a week, possibly only on weekends and they will not have opportunity to vote in the runoff.

15-03-2007, 12:52
. . . ich habs mir mal übersetzt,

um Gottes willen - blos nicht die Stichwahl verlängern. An der Beteiligung (22:10) ist zu sehen das die Stimmenanzahl derer der Hauptwahl ziehmlich nahe ist (die für die Beiden gestimmt hatten). Eine sozusagen 2/drittel Mehrheit . . .

Sorry - in englisch bringe ich das nicht :rolleyes:

15-03-2007, 13:04
I'll translate it for you:

Heaven forbid - let's not make that run-off ballot any longer. The voter turnout (21:9) shows that the participation is close to the one in the original ballot. Right now there is a 2/3 majority...

15-03-2007, 13:11
. . . senk ju werri matsch :wink: ( Have many thanks ) . . .

15-03-2007, 13:19
:eek: You mean we actually may have to play the game and start taking screenshots - soon??? :scratch: :rofl:

15-03-2007, 14:55
That´s what he wanted to say:wink:

15-03-2007, 15:00
@Excali, I was just expressing a concern that with 2 days some users that voted in the original poll might not visit and find there is a runoff.
Personally, I did not vote in the runoff, so it does not really matter to me, one way or the other. I was jsut thinking in a manner of being a bit more fair.

15-03-2007, 15:06
Well, the ballot is over and we do now have a jury: Freizeitmieze, Moryarity and Freak-411.

15-03-2007, 15:20
Yes I know it is over and I know we have a jury, as I said I was just expressing a concern for those that may have wished to vote that only visit once a week and possibly did not know of the runoff.

15-03-2007, 15:22
I know Dobber, but to be honest I think most people are glad to get on with it. We've been discussing the SSC in the German section at least since sometime in January by now...

15-03-2007, 15:26
You should also consider, that there have only been 4 international voters....ok..I know, that minorities are to be protected..but in this case it is only a runnoff between two equal people...

15-03-2007, 15:34
You should also consider, that there have only been 4 international voters....ok..I know, that minorities are to be protected..but in this case it is only a runnoff between two equal people...

How can you know there were only 4 international voters?

I know of at least 4 international voters that voted in the poll in the German forum!

But that is neither here nor there, the runoff is over and we have a jury! I just voiced a concern, one that does not really matter in the whole scheme of things! Also, let it be known, I don't have a dog in this fight, as I said I did not vote in the runoff and do not plan on participating in the SSC, so the jury makeup does not concern me.