View Full Version : "Back to former glory" scenario #9 problems/questions

14-03-2007, 15:11
Hello everyone,

I've been having a really good time playing the anno 1701 scenarios so far, but i find #9 (bak to former glory) very frustrating...

The problems i'm having are:

The Hindu guy wants 10t of cloth at the beginning, and i made all the efforts to produce it as fast as i could (by stopping delivery to my main island as soon as the game starts and building a second chain on the existing cloth island) somewhere half way through aquiring 10t of cloth the Hindu guys is "disappointed with absence of delivery" but his warehouse still requests it, so i make it to his island as soon as i have 10t but when i get there i am unable to trade... the cloth icon at his warehouse is inactivated and he "does't want to trade cloth with me" anymore... This seems odd as the winning conditions include the delivery of 10t of cloth to him and he is also supposed to be the soure of tobacco for my main island until some other player abandons his island later on (As posted in another thread).

Secondly, i am suposed to have trade agreements with all 3 opponents and also deliver tools to the red guy and alcohol to the blue guy in the beginning. Once i am done with tools and get the alcohol to the blue guy, the red guy cancels trade with me...

So everytime i get stuck with only one trade partner (blue or red) and no posible trade with the Hindu or the green guy.

I continue to lose money due to lack of sufficient trade and cant advance beyond settler level due to lack of tobacco...!

Is there a bug? or am i missing some subtle detail... Or shoudl i just wait more ???? I stop everytime my money goes down to 9000...(about 2-3hrs of gameplay)

Please help!

14-03-2007, 15:17
Obviously someone else got to the Indian culture and sold him cloth before you. If you wait a bit does he not once again require cloth?
Another thing you can maybe check is, if one of the other guys is selling cloth that you can buy and take down to trade.
It is natural for the one to break his trade agreement, he will later beg you to trade with him.

14-03-2007, 15:43
I was thinking that The Hindu guy may need cloth soon after... but 2-3hrs into the game he still doesnt wanna trade... and i cant go on playing for much longer cause i run out of money since one trade partner isn't enough to make profit...

The red guy sell's cloth but he doesnt want to start trading untill AFTER the Hindu is disappointed with the lack of delivery... so either i make cloth myself or get it through trade it comes too late and the Hindu doesn't trade.

Are there any in-game goals that initiate trade with the other oponents including the Hindu ? Like to do i need to have certain # of cloth in my warehouse or # of settlers before he wants to trade again??

If anyone has done that scenario before please let me know the order in wich u've done things in the beginning to get to tobacco trade...

14-03-2007, 15:58
One thing you might try is to quit supplying it to your island and remove what is already there in your main island warehouse along with any that may be in transit via ship on trade route. Maybe grabbing that will help you to acquire the 10 ton in time!

BTW-Welcome to the forum, achkarou! :halloha:

14-03-2007, 16:01
ya i tried that :bash:

but i will give it another try i guess...

have you completed this scenario? how did u manage the situation?

14-03-2007, 19:25
I have completed them all, I don't remember having any problems with it!

I just went back into that scenario, produced the 10T of cloth with just the 2 sheep farms and the one weavers hut that I already had(I did click on the sheep farms and click the watering can to optimize the farms as the pasture land was full of trees). As I was on the way to deliver it, I got the message he was disappointed, but continued on. When I arrived at his warehouse the cloth was greyed out on his warehouse menu, but that is because he has none to sell. The cloth on my ship was not greyed out, I clicked on it and it transferred into the Indians warehouse and the tobacco appeared in the tradeable goods in his warehouse.

Maybe you are unsure of how to transact the trade, you click on the product in your ship to transfer it to him and then click the checkmark confirming the trade.

14-03-2007, 20:35
hmm its possible i messed up there

usually when the player is buying stuff it is show in their warehouse...that they are buying it...

i will try that as soon as i get home

boy i cant belive ive wasted 5hrs yesterday trying to go on in that scenario if this is the problem the whole time :bash:

14-03-2007, 22:39
To me this again sounds like this bug: http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=15327
Do you see some kind of gears where normally the cargo hold of your ship should be?

14-03-2007, 23:26

so here are the 2 screenshots

as you can see the tab that usually allows for trading under the ship menu doesn't exist and the Hindu's warehouse says he doesnt wanna trade cloth (and the green arrow indicates he intends to buy not sell)

what the hell is going on !!!??? :bash:

http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/3900/screenshot0000im9.th.jpg (http://img162.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot0000im9.jpg)

http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/3465/screenshot0001cp9.th.jpg (http://img401.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot0001cp9.jpg)

14-03-2007, 23:39
In your first screenshot I see the telltale sign associated with the bug some people have reported with this scenario. With others the reinstalling Anno solved the problem. Before reinstalling, save your profile and savegames to another location on your hard drive so you can copy them back into the Anno folder after reinstalling.

15-03-2007, 14:16
yes i think it was definitely a bug

i reinstalled the game and restarted that scenario and could trade cloth fine w the Hindu (the tab under the ship's menu was now available)

rest of the scenario went fine as well...

however even after reinstallation i've noticed a bug wich i think is related to the one before:

one time my ship was unable to resume trade route after being paused.. it just wouldnt move even though a trade route was set up and the correct ship was selected... and if i manually moved the ship to the warehouse to transfer the good that tab was absent again... i had to destroy teh ship and build a new one to resume the tarde route :S:S

do you know if this has already been reported and if not where shoudl i report it in this website???

thx for the help btw!!! :hello:

15-03-2007, 19:48
one time my ship was unable to resume trade route after being paused.. it just wouldnt move even though a trade route was set up and the correct ship was selected... and if i manually moved the ship to the warehouse to transfer the good that tab was absent again... i had to destroy teh ship and build a new one to resume the tarde route :S:S

Hm, as I recall, this is another bug happening sometimes (not particularly related to a special scenario, can happen in endless games too). Did you try to unassign (is this correct english? Sorry, I am german *g*) and reassign the ship to the trade route? Normally this should help, so no need to destroy the ship.

In your first screenshot I see the telltale sign associated with the bug some people have reported with this scenario. With others the reinstalling Anno solved the problem. Before reinstalling, save your profile and savegames to another location on your hard drive so you can copy them back into the Anno folder after reinstalling.

Just to keep it complete for other users reading this thread: reinstalling helped in most cases and of course you should backup your profile and savegames, but the savegame(s) including this bug unfortunately won't work even after reinstalling.

15-03-2007, 19:59
i have tried cancelling the trade route and reassigning it but it didnt seem to work (maybe i didn't do things in the right order for that or something) but assigning a brand new ship to this route solved the problem

and yes you are correct for noting that reinstalling the game won't fix the bug in a game in progress, you have to start over

does anyone know if this issue will be addressed in the addon? or a new patch?