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14-03-2007, 22:31
What Do You Need To Do To Mine Gold And Diammonds And Marble

14-03-2007, 22:34
Welcome to the forum, THADS! :halloha:

You have to advance your inhabitants to a certain level and a certain number of that level before those building options are unlocked for you. Once you have unlocked them, you build the required buildings much in the same way you do others!

14-03-2007, 22:36
Thought I was advanced far enough,but guess not

Maxie Zeus
15-03-2007, 07:10
Speaking as a fellow newbie [one month, six games' experience] to the game: Don't forget about population levels. I think you can access marble as soon as you hit the Merchant level, but IIRC you need a larger population of Merchants to access gold and gems. That's tripped me up before. :blush:

15-03-2007, 09:39
You can only build the new buildings as soon as the number of your population of a certain level is large enough, that they demand the new goods. If they start demanding something, then the building options are unlocked.

If you move your cursor over a certain (unlocked) building there should be a tool tip, whixch states how many people are required and how many you have.

And when new buildings are unlocked, there should also be a speaker announcing this :go: