View Full Version : KoH won't start anymore

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Phil Walker
20-03-2007, 03:11
Indeed, that is the list I needed. Let me first say though, that just having Daemon Tools on your system (acive or not) was part of the problem and will be with many future games as they search for both the drives created and the programs that create them. So, that is one of the key facotrs, but not the only one in this case and all such programs should go.

As to your list, Way Too Many!!! Here is all to keep; ALCMTR, NvCpl, and MsnMsgr. That's All! So, run the program again, uncheck all the rest, click Apply, click Close. Close all windows save the one that appeared after closing mscinfig, then clcik the Restart button on that window. You will be rebooting. Upon reboot and getting back on your account, put a check in the Do not show me this again box, and click the OK button. That should help greatly with both the game and your system in making it and your system more smooth, quick, and playable. One note though. If you end up losign sound (samll chance) run the program again and also check MtdAcqu, and do the process again. Let us know if this does it. If not, I'm not done, but want to see if this is all you need to do, besides what was noted prior. Good Luck!


PS; I forgot to note that some of those programs do cause conflicts with many games and KoH is no exception to this.

20-03-2007, 03:23
Ok, i'll do that. BUt before I do, I got an interesting message last time I tried to run it.

Conflict: A hook was found. Please deactivate all antivirus and anti-trojan debuggers.

Edit: No luck, isn't running yet.

Phil Walker
20-03-2007, 04:40
Normally hooks are related to driver creators and emulator programs. Did you have others beside DT and are they all off your system completely now? Just being on the system is enough to do this.

Also, since not noted, have you patched the game (and to what version)? Did you uninstall and reinstall the game? Much was not noted in the beginning and I should have brought it up first as your descriptions of what's been done was a bit vague.


20-03-2007, 06:01
Nope, no others but DT, and all are gone yes.

I've tried to patch, but it says i'm fully updated, which is odd since i hve 1.05. And i have uninstalled and reinstalled, and gotten rid of the reg keys.

Everything that was suggested in this thread I have done so far.

Phil Walker
20-03-2007, 06:26
You say you uninstalled and reinstalled and the patch files are still there :eek: ?! Then something didn't get uninstalled properly. I'm guessing you used the Control Paen method to uninstall saying you tried everythinf? Something did not uninstall. So, send me a PM (private message) and we'll address this outside the threaeds as something went wrong somehow. Be ready to make arrangements as I'm going to have you doing things you might not understand but it will help. Will wait for your PM to address further. We will get it done to where you cna play again. I just am not sure what the problem is as I'm not "there" to see your PC for myself.


20-03-2007, 10:05
1. DT work fine with KoH. I always had them running while playing KoH (in all released versions). Just make sure the option 'lock dll' is unchecked.
2. The hook-error is caused by KoH's copy protection. It has noticed that some software is sniffing through it's memory. That is propably the A/V-software.
3. The 1.05 version of KoH doesn't have a copy-protection. Thus I guess after reinstalling the game the patch wasn't applied properly.
To reinstall, uninstall the game using the control panel, then manually delete the KoH-folder and everything that remained in it and then delete the registry keys. After that reinstall the game and apply the patch.
That should get rid of the copy protection and thus also the hook-error.
