View Full Version : Floating Cargo

20-03-2007, 15:57
I forget the name of the scenario, but it is the one where you are to collect several "sensitive documents" before Igor gets them. There is floating cargo everywhere, yet you can only pick up four or five at a time. I'm sick of this one! I've been picking up cargo for days. I've built a city of 1600 citizens. I have an armada of ships picking up useless cargo. I also have an armada of warships that will not attack either the pirates or Igor. I've found two hidden treasures. I can't advance to the Merchant level because the only island with whales is the one Igor is on and he won't trade with me. I'm chasing my tail here. What am I supposed to do?

20-03-2007, 16:30
Hey LuftCarl

there are only 2 documents in the floating cargo.
The other 2 are hidden elsewhere :wink:

Didn't Ramirez ask you to pic up his son?

20-03-2007, 18:27
I did that and he appreciated it. He said something about something "beside the warehouse", or something like that. I didn't understand what he said. Obviously, I missed something important.

Please, give me a clue.

20-03-2007, 19:43
ahmm wut he said was that he is giving u the 3rd document... he dropped it off in a floating cargo by his warehouse... so go to the pirates island and pik it up... no need for an army of scavenging ships... i did just fine w 2

then once u do that the scenario will lead u to the next stage where u will have to attack Igors shipyard (indicated by the red circle on the map as usual) and get the 4th document...

only 2 documents were available to be piked up from the sea itself...

21-03-2007, 08:25
Please, give me a clue.
press F8 and see the logbook :wink:

21-03-2007, 15:38
I went back to the Pirates Warehouse and noticed a box floating in the cove I hadn't noticed before. I picked it up and it was the third document. Igor immediately declared war on me. So now......

IT'S ON!!!

Thanks for the help.

21-03-2007, 19:24
although he "declares war'" he is not going to be attacking ur island or acting nasty... so no need to overdo it with defences and army... just get enough to destroy his warehouse and retrieve the last document as ive mentioned before ;)

23-03-2007, 19:36
Igor went down without much trouble. The Queen is happy.

This scenario would have been over much quicker if I had realized earlier she will continue to give me money no matter how badly I mismanaged it. I ended up building three ore mines, two smelters, six lumber jacks, two cannon foundries, and two ship yards to quickly overwhelm Igor. The Queen gave me money about five times and, despite expenditures exceeding income to the tune of 750 gold coins per turn, she was still happy with the outcome.

Now I'm on the next one.

15-04-2007, 15:30
Where the heck is the pirates son?
in the water?
on an island?
in a boat?
no-where it seems

17-04-2007, 18:28
he's one of the castaways in a barrel by a small reif-like island

for me it was southeast of the map... donno if that changes

17-04-2007, 19:39
he's one of the castaways in a barrel by a small reif-like island
for me it was southeast of the map... donno if that changes

Same here. :cool: