View Full Version : Question from a new player "the Pope"
26-03-2007, 19:11
Hello I´m a bit new to the game and i got a question about the royal court
I´ve played 4 games now and every time i get a highly skilled cleric he get´s ellected as the new pope.....
This means i lose 1 spot in the royal court ( Annoying ! ) for nothing...
why do i say nothing .... well you can call for crusade, but this takes up yet another spot in your royal court, that you cannot controle and takes away a marchal... and i dont seem to be able to see a good thing about a crusade.. so please explain this to me :hello:
How can i avoide this.... it happens all the time... (4 out of 4 games:bash: )
And can someone please explain to me what the advantiges of having the pope is, if their is any..... :scratch: ?
/"newbie" over and out :biggrin:
26-03-2007, 19:21
Welcome to the forum, Johan! :halloha:
Generally, you can't influence the election of the pope. Which is of course realistic, after all there are quite some precautions to avoid such influence. :smile: So you can't do anything about losing your cleric.
The ability to call crusades can be useful. You can hire a new marshall and immediately send him on a crusade against an enemy, if the enemy is muslim. That way you get a crusader-army for 1000 gold, which isn't too bad. At one point the pope will say good-bye, but if he sent of 3-5 crusades in the meantime he served his purpose well. :dwink:
If you make one of the members of your royal family crusader knight you'll annex the captured province. My usual procedure is sending my royals as crusaders to the enemy and having them accompanied by my most experienced marshall and his army to guard them. Once they captured a province I immediately call for the next crusade and repeat until the pope cuts the connection.
Sir Sean
26-03-2007, 19:55
i do the same i once was at war with lebanon (a rebel) who had captured jerusalm (a christian prov. by this time) so i sent my first born with an army of 2 fedral knights and 4 trebouc(spelling i cnt think of right now) the big catapult. and laid siege to the great city.
Crusades can create vassals for you so you get some extra coin and a new ally. You can also excommunicate aggresive catholic kingdoms you are at war with using the Pope, you can always cut relations with the Pope so you get the extra spot back in your Royal court. Eliminating the Papacy in any way will end any further Pope elections, doing this through the use of military will make all catholic kingdoms feud with you and pretty soon find yourself at war with the catholic world. I like to annex the Papacy to eliminate Pope elections but recently I have found it very usefull to have the Pope.
27-03-2007, 15:03
Thanks for tips. Im sending lots of crusades now ... got 4 vassals so far :biggrin:
Crusades only work against muslims right ?
or and yeah ... how is it possible to transfer units from 1 marchal to another without using a town ?
Crusades only work against muslims right ?
No, they work against orthodox to. If the orthodox Tzardom is in war with catolic kingdoms :go:
27-03-2007, 15:08
Crusader theoretically work on all nations, however the pope will not agree to a crusade against a fellow christian. So you need to find a target for your crusade against which the pope would support a crusade. A muslim waging war against christians is always a good target. A crusade against a catholic kingdom that fights 20 simultaneous wars against other christians might work.
And no, you can't transfer troops without a town.
If you don't want to mess with calling Crusades, you can always end relations with the Pope, thus removing him from your Knights bar and regaining that space.
A method I have discovered for preventing the loss of an educated, established cleric is to hire an additional cleric when the Pope is growing old and position that cleric near the front(left) of my Knights bar with my educated cleric near the back(right) of the Knights bar and I will try to also keep the educated cleric governing a kingdom. When the Pope dies the cleric near the front of the bar is elected(especially if the other has assignment), and I don't lose my experienced cleric!
Thanks for tips. Im sending lots of crusades now ... got 4 vassals so far :biggrin:
Crusades only work against muslims right ?
or and yeah ... how is it possible to transfer units from 1 marchal to another without using a town ?
Crusades work on non-catholic kingdoms if they are at war with lots of nations, it can also work on catholics and excommunicated catholics if they are war-mongering.
No, just like the others said, you can't transfer units without a town. Did you want Crusader units?
I have actually declared a crusade on a catholic kingdom not at war, though it was the most hated kingdom.
Having the pope is great.
Just hire a prince as a new marshall, and get him to lead a crusade. Then, pull him back to court.
Make sure you have another marshall nearby, and he can grab all the crusader untis for his army. I find that the most long lived of these are the crusdaer crossbows, as the others die too easily.
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