View Full Version : A thought for the developers and the rest of us...

28-03-2007, 16:15
I was thinking about production chains and rate of consumption of products in the game and here is the breakdown:

From Annopedia we know that (Approximately) --- How many good are consumed by your inhabitants (100) each minute?

Food 0,800t
Cloth 0,500t (till Citizens)
0,450t (Merchants)
0,400t (Aristocrats)
Alcohol 0,500t (till Citizens)
0,425t (Merchants)
0,375t (Aristocrats)
Tobacco products 0,300t
Lamp oil 0,200t
Chocolates 0,200t
Perfume 0,200t
Jewelry 0,145t
Colonial goods 0,160t

So, lets just just assume a minute is equivalent to a months time, but in fact it doesnt matter what a game minute is it is the relative quantities that are interesting..

From the above values, ONE inhabitant consumes the following amount of goods in one game minute:

Food 8kg
Cloth 5kg (till Citizens)
4.5kg (Merchants)
4kg (Aristocrats)
Alcohol 5L (till Citizens)
5L (Merchants)
5L (Aristocrats)
Tobacco products 3kg
Lamp oil 2L
Chocolates 2kg
Perfume 2L
Jewelry 1.45kg
Colonial goods 1.6kg

Now comparing the amount of food to lets say chocolates, the people are on an extreme sugar-rush diet... with 1/5th of their diet consiting of chocolates... this can only mean 2 things either the food amount is too low or chocolate amount is too high - i think both are true.. also while the amount of cloth and lamp oil doen't bother me the amount of perfume and jewellery as well as colonial goods is rediculous. Now i understand that the aristocrats may be a bit gluttonous BUT jewellery is still only measured in grams not kilos unless they buy a new body suit made of gold and jems every month or so...and take perfume baths followed by continuous buying and breaking of colonial goods wich are in theory not consumable... once u buy an amulet or a jade statue its there to stay...

Now in regards to alcohol, we know there are 2 different production chains in the game one which makes beer/ale and the other wich makes rum... now the percentage of beer is let say 10% alcohol v/v for a rather strong beer and for rum its about 40%... Consuming 5L of beer is resonable but 5L of rum per person would make the population alcoholic and is not realistic for a colony wide average.

And I DO realize this is a game but c'mon it wouldn't be that much more work for someone to use a tiny bit of brainpower to realize these numbers are way out of wack and to correct the issue with a few programming adjustments on production and consumption values in the game which would balance things out.

And i think it would be a LOT more interesting to produce a larger variety of goods to satisfy ur population than to build more of the same production chains... for example instead of making rediculous amounts of jewellery why not have less goldsmiths/mines and instead provide silk cloth (grow in southern islands) for ur aristocrats? and things like spices (southern) and herbs (northern) as well as furniture (both climates).

Just some suggestions to make the game more fun and more realistic!