View Full Version : Two important questions about modding

04-04-2007, 21:29
Hi, I want to make my own mod, I'm pretty new at this but I have some good ideas to start. I just need someone to answer two important questions before I can start the mod.

1. When in the main menu and you click single player, it would have the options: Play on Europe, Continue saved game, Quick battle, back etc. Well, can you add another option there? The reason why is because I want to make a whole new era (Dark age), and it would be difficult to rename one of the eras and completely replacing them would not make the mod popular, so I was thinking of adding a new option (Play on early Europe or something), when you click single player, when you click that it will bring you to the same screen as the normal way to select a kingdom but the Early, High eras would be replaced. For example:

Single Player
-Play on Europe
- Early era
- High era
- Late era
-Play on early Europe
- Early era -> Dark age - 500 - 750
- High era -> Dark age - 750 - 1000
- Late era -> Would simply be the early era in vanilla KoH

Basically I want to copy the play on Europe screen and change the early, high and late eras with my own custom made kingdoms, could anyone tell me how to do this?

2. I realised that you can create new kingdoms as well as changing kingdom names, and adding/removing provinces from kingdoms for example HolyRome mod: Fatimids -> Ayyubids. I would like to know how to create new kingdoms and change kingdom names, kingdom colors, kingdom titles (Empire, duchy etc.). That way I can create the Dark age world.

04-04-2007, 23:40
before you ask a question about moding, first look in the thread "What can you edit and where" (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3898).

In most cases you will find the answer there. Just some time ago I cleaned it from "discussion" posts. In this thread, Doux has made great tools for some "creation actions" in this particular post (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=129469&postcount=36)

Doing this save time which could be spent on other modding which could bring you more info :wink:

04-04-2007, 23:46
before you ask a question about moding, first look in the thread "What can you edit and where" (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=3898).

In most cases you will find the answer there. Just some time ago I cleaned it from "discussion" posts. In this thread, Doux has made great tools for some "creation actions" in this particular post (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showpost.php?p=129469&postcount=36)

Doing this save time which could be spent on other modding which could bring you more info :wink:

You should have said that in the PM, ah well, thanks anyway:cheers:

Although this still leaves the first question unanswered...

05-04-2007, 00:11
We can't add any new functionalities to KoH. So no, no new buttons and no new menus.


05-04-2007, 03:55
Whatabout say, creating a mod that you need to activate to acess new europe map, but if you wanted to play vanilla koh, you disable the mod.

05-04-2007, 09:34
you can create "new scenarios" and put them instead the actual or vanilla ones, that's the way...

but I've never tried such tzhings and I doubt anyone did...

PS: I thought I told you in the PM that the question is answered in the forums. I didn't give you the link, but I am sure I gave you the "what can you edit" thread's name...

05-04-2007, 21:24
I've seen the feature in some other mods, such as the Napoleonic mod for AoE III, you click the icon on your desktop for the mod and open the modified AoE III from there, well can you do something similar to KoH?

05-04-2007, 23:23
I've seen the feature in some other mods, such as the Napoleonic mod for AoE III, you click the icon on your desktop for the mod and open the modified AoE III from there, well can you do something similar to KoH?It would be the first one. We have not been able to do such an overhaul of the game yet, since it comes down to hard-coding and not changing a variable here and there.

By the way, it might be possible to add buttons in the menus, but you can't give them functionality.

It is possible to change all kingdoms in the game, so you can essentially create a Dark Age.

06-04-2007, 03:54
Yeah, I'm already working on religion/kingdoms/vassals etc. that part is easy. The real problem is giving the player the ability to play a whole seperate dark age era, without replacing the present eras. (Replacing them won't do anyone any good now would it)