View Full Version : Languages

05-04-2007, 15:48
Is there any way to chnage the language in your game, cause I have it english but I think that in German or Russian it will be pretty cool... so do I need to have a GErman or Russian "version" or could I just download a sort file that would change it into German or Russian :biggrin:

05-04-2007, 17:09
Is there any way to chnage the language in your game, cause I have it english but I think that in German or Russian it will be pretty cool
Or macedonian :lol: :rofl:
PP As I said that, some fellow-countryman from West bulgaria will say that KoH is macedonian game :rofl: \ seriously \

05-04-2007, 18:18
lol Macedonian=Bulgarian??? I dont think so :D

Chek these lessons out if you don't belive me

BTW where can I get a language changing file ?

05-04-2007, 19:57
Gogo_t is saying the truth macedonian is the same as bulgarian,but isn`t gramaticly correct :lol:

LOL my 100 post!

05-04-2007, 20:28
How can you say that Bulgarian is the same like Macedonian :D

They don't even have the same alphabet just take a look at the alphabet

If you say that American is the same like English, or Mexican the same like Spanish, or Belgium the same like dutch then I shall believe you because it's true. But Macedonian is an official language unlike many others which are not. Macedonian is recognized from the United Nations as a language....

05-04-2007, 21:17
Both of us know that Macedonia(FYROM to be precise) is an artificial country and people consciousness created by the Kingdom of Serbia to justify their entry in the newly created Yugoslavia which is also an artificially created country at first aided by France and after ww2 by USSR.
2,3 of the bulgarian PM before 9.IX.44 came from Macedonia,i don`t think they came here to change the name of the state to Macedonia but to join their homeland region to Bulgaria.No need to tell we lost The Aegian as a consequence of ww1,a war in which Bulgaria entered only for loosing Macedonia to Serbia 2 years ago.So these western bulgarians should show a bit of respect for this!
As for the name an artificial country would need an artificial created language won`t it?

05-04-2007, 23:20
Please keep the discussion on-topic!

The question was whether one can change his or her KoH game language legally, and the answer is probably yes. Perhaps to be completely legal, you'd have to buy another game in the language, but I don't think BSS would mind a mod with translated text coming out. It's there for Bulgarian anyway.
But such a mod would have to be created by a user that has a different language version.

06-04-2007, 18:21
Yeah I hope somebody creastes such a file to chnage the language ... I dont need it in BG i need it in German or Russian :(

BTW Macedonia might be a fake country but...
oh here is link so that you can see what the Turkish are doing in Bulgaria ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJOZhCpmmuw

there are 4 parts of the film
Ok can anyone who uses a German version just upload the files that i need and then give me a link please :confused:

06-04-2007, 18:40
Yeah I hope somebody creastes such a file to chnage the language ... I dont need it in BG i need it in German or Russian :(

BTW Macedonia might be a fake country but...
oh here is link so that you can see what the Turkish are doing in Bulgaria ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJOZhCpmmuw

there are 4 parts of the film
Ok can anyone who uses a German version just upload the files that i need and then give me a link please :confused:
I think that you need def and text folder of KOH

06-04-2007, 19:45
guys, if you will continue to talk about Macedonian national identity or language, the mods will be asked to close the thread.

Macedonia is recognized by the UN so don't call it fake country or anything like this..

Kuno of Gersenau
06-04-2007, 20:11
I wasn't here yesterday. If i would have been here the thread would have been closed before.

there is a simple answer to the thread question: no, there are no such files you can download. You can change the language but you have to do it manually by translating the scripts I think (not quite sure about this.)

The discussion about Bulgaria/Macedonia slowly starts to annoy me, because it doesn't appear the first time and we always give you the same answer: This is NOT the place for this. We are here to talk about a GAME!