08-04-2007, 00:32
Cross of Rome
Papacy AAR
Quick note: The reason I'm making two AARs at the same time is because I find it difficult to make very long posts on one single AAR, so to compensate for that, I will be posting a second AAR, every week I will update both AARs. I'm the type of KoH person that likes to play on multiple games anyways, now why the papacy? Well it might seem original (Hopefully), and I've added a twist to make the AAR more entertaining (Read below).
Main Goal:
Using mainly espionage, but occasionaly family relations, military (keep as rare as possible), crusades and religion to make the Papacy as powerfull as possible
Secondary Goals:
- Spread Catholicism, especialy in areas like the near-east (Jerusalam), South-east europe, and Iberia
- Destroy heretic catholic kingdoms
- Help Crusades and Crusader kingdoms
- Maintain the province of Rome
- Make sure papal clerics are the only clerics in Europe that will become popes
Well hopefully an espionage and religious AAR will be interesting, I will start the game today, and expect the French AAR to be updated tomorrow as well. I will post a picture of the Vatican every chapter and maybe some other things as well.:go:
Chapter I
Papal territories in the year 1200 AD was the Vatican, Rome and surrounding territories around the city. The court only had one marshal to defend the realm, Doge Lorenzo had been apointed by the Pope to act as political leader of the Papacy, while the Pope was the religious and more powerfull leader. The first thing Lorenzo did was try to build an inn in Rome, the faster Rome is improved the better. The resources in the region were inspected, a Cathedral and Merchant Guild could be build but there had to be some sort of trade, Papal merchants were now looking forward to new trading partners. Trade with Croatia was innevitable, since it was the only trading partner with the Papacy. In order to maintain a powerfull military, military structures had to be built, the Moat and the scale armourer would be torn down. An inn, bakery, fletcher, plate armourer, dyes workshop, Quarry and sculptors guild all had to be built. But there wasn't enough room, so Lorenzo decided to built the buildings that had the most priority first before going on to see other unnecessary buildings that should be replaced. (
Soon the fletcher and inn were finished, now a hostel was next. A cathedral had to be built in Rome, it was of course the centre of catholic christianity and so it had to have a cathedral. Lorenzo decided to spy on the Holy Roman neighbours up north, according to rumours within the empire, they hate the Papal states enough to declare war, but the only thing setting them back was all the wars they were caught up with. This important information was necessary to start funding a healthy relationship with the holy roman Empire, before doing some espionage actions. Lorenzo soon married an ordinary nobelwoman, if they have a child the pope would not have to appoint another Papal knight to become the next Doge. (
Comments please:biggrin:
Papacy AAR
Quick note: The reason I'm making two AARs at the same time is because I find it difficult to make very long posts on one single AAR, so to compensate for that, I will be posting a second AAR, every week I will update both AARs. I'm the type of KoH person that likes to play on multiple games anyways, now why the papacy? Well it might seem original (Hopefully), and I've added a twist to make the AAR more entertaining (Read below).
Main Goal:
Using mainly espionage, but occasionaly family relations, military (keep as rare as possible), crusades and religion to make the Papacy as powerfull as possible
Secondary Goals:
- Spread Catholicism, especialy in areas like the near-east (Jerusalam), South-east europe, and Iberia
- Destroy heretic catholic kingdoms
- Help Crusades and Crusader kingdoms
- Maintain the province of Rome
- Make sure papal clerics are the only clerics in Europe that will become popes
Well hopefully an espionage and religious AAR will be interesting, I will start the game today, and expect the French AAR to be updated tomorrow as well. I will post a picture of the Vatican every chapter and maybe some other things as well.:go:
Chapter I
Papal territories in the year 1200 AD was the Vatican, Rome and surrounding territories around the city. The court only had one marshal to defend the realm, Doge Lorenzo had been apointed by the Pope to act as political leader of the Papacy, while the Pope was the religious and more powerfull leader. The first thing Lorenzo did was try to build an inn in Rome, the faster Rome is improved the better. The resources in the region were inspected, a Cathedral and Merchant Guild could be build but there had to be some sort of trade, Papal merchants were now looking forward to new trading partners. Trade with Croatia was innevitable, since it was the only trading partner with the Papacy. In order to maintain a powerfull military, military structures had to be built, the Moat and the scale armourer would be torn down. An inn, bakery, fletcher, plate armourer, dyes workshop, Quarry and sculptors guild all had to be built. But there wasn't enough room, so Lorenzo decided to built the buildings that had the most priority first before going on to see other unnecessary buildings that should be replaced. (
Soon the fletcher and inn were finished, now a hostel was next. A cathedral had to be built in Rome, it was of course the centre of catholic christianity and so it had to have a cathedral. Lorenzo decided to spy on the Holy Roman neighbours up north, according to rumours within the empire, they hate the Papal states enough to declare war, but the only thing setting them back was all the wars they were caught up with. This important information was necessary to start funding a healthy relationship with the holy roman Empire, before doing some espionage actions. Lorenzo soon married an ordinary nobelwoman, if they have a child the pope would not have to appoint another Papal knight to become the next Doge. (
Comments please:biggrin: