View Full Version : Guess what people? The UK patch works with the US game, albeit, with strange bugs...

08-04-2007, 04:36
That's right North America! I've installed the UK v1.02 patch with the US (and Canada) game that I have and it works! There are a few strange quirks though, like your enemies constantly threatening you to get off their land or the same video message repeating over and over again. Also there's one Free Trader quest that I can't read because it says Text ID#(number). There are several other bugs that are apparent but the patch's new advancements are definitely in there! The game is still playable in the interim while Sunflowers gets it's act together with the US patch but it does work! Download the UK patch if you're a North American customer and try it out!

08-04-2007, 05:58
I'll wait. It's just waiting on Aspyr's approval. We will have it soon enough. I just want to find one of those eggs! Or at least see one.

08-04-2007, 08:42
I can understand that it would work, since the first patch changed the registry entries making the game appear to be the UK version! :go:

I will wait as well!

08-04-2007, 13:31
I'll wait. It's just waiting on Aspyr's approval. We will have it soon enough. I just want to find one of those eggs! Or at least see one.

Umm... you know, there are no eggs in the game, just on the website, right? :confused:

08-04-2007, 14:55
Umm... you know, there are no eggs in the game, just on the website, right? :confused:

Yes I do know they are on the website. I have been looking for them a few times after they have been hidden. It doesn't take long before someone has found them.

08-04-2007, 14:57
Or at least see one.
Here you can see the eggs klick (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=17002).
But i guess, that's not that, what you want :biggrin:

But you're right, i also would like to see one for my own :sad:
But maybe Sf will open a Fanshop :silly: it was asked for that a few times. Especially for the Anno-cups...

On Topic:
What happen, if the US Patch comes out? Then you can't uninstall the UK Patch. You have to uninstall the whole game and reinstall it.
For me, it wouldn't be worth it. It's just a Patch :huh:
But if it is working on your PC :go:

08-04-2007, 17:10
Yes, we would have to uninstall 1701AD and then re-install it when the US patch comes out but when you have a REALLLY fast computer like I do (Core 2 Duo E6600, SATA II hard drive, DVD version of this game, etc.), then that whole process won't take as long as you're making it out to be. I'm sure there are many out there in North Americaland who would not mind re-installing the game just to see the kewl advances the v1.02 patch has to offer even with the UK patch.

08-04-2007, 21:10
Here you can see the eggs klick (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=17002).
But i guess, that's not that, what you want :biggrin:

But you're right, i also would like to see one for my own :sad:
But maybe Sf will open a Fanshop :silly: it was asked for that a few times. Especially for the Anno-cups...

On Topic:
What happen, if the US Patch comes out? Then you can't uninstall the UK Patch. You have to uninstall the whole game and reinstall it.
For me, it wouldn't be worth it. It's just a Patch :huh:
But if it is working on your PC :go:

@FLO Thanks for the link to the pictures of the eggs! :go:
It's true I would like to find one but it helpsto know what you are looking for also.

@Xatrix Fast computer or slow computer, doesn't matter. Why would you want to uninstall and reinstall for no good reason?

08-04-2007, 23:06
I guess this person hasn't been reading ALL of the posts in this thread... The good reasons I mentioned are farther down the thread so be a good girl and scroll on down there and take a look. BTW, speed of the computer has alot to do with the installation of a game; ergo, a good reason to try my idea anyways. Not much to lose except a little extra time.

09-04-2007, 01:13
I don't see any good reason why I shouldn't waite for our own patch. The game works well with the 1.01 patch anyway. I'm waitin' too.

09-04-2007, 15:32
I guess this person hasn't been reading ALL of the posts in this thread... The good reasons I mentioned are farther down the thread so be a good girl and scroll on down there and take a look. BTW, speed of the computer has alot to do with the installation of a game; ergo, a good reason to try my idea anyways. Not much to lose except a little extra time.

I've read them all! :angry: I don't like cluttering up my computer for no good reason. It will be out soon enough and I will be finishing my current game to get the last gold medal for population at the hard level.

My 'extra time' is spent on the 1602 contest if I have any.

11-04-2007, 16:42
I, too, got impatient and downloaded the UK 1.02 patch.
Haven't noticed any major glitches although the pirate must have a thing for Carmen as he keeps telling me how great she is. No chinese junk yet either but have only done a few trader quests. :cool:

23-04-2007, 02:31
I sure do hope our friends and Sunflowers (and Aspyr) are reading this because I'm sure I speak for everyone in North America when I say WHEN WILL THE US PATCH V1.02 BE READY?!?