View Full Version : Creating Religions

08-04-2007, 20:50
Hey, I want to make new religions and delete existing ones for my mod. For example I want to create christianity instead of Catholicism and Orthodox, and Zoroastrianism from scratch. I already went to Defs/Religion and created zoroastrianism from there, changed bonuses, added the pagan symbol as it's official symbol, now would this actually create the religion?

08-04-2007, 22:15
You can't create a new religion. You can modify one of the religions to appear as a different one (by changing it's displayed name, boni and symbol). But as it is, there are 4 religions and no more and no less.
But remember that if you rechristen one of the religions their special abilities stay. So whatever name you'll give the pagans they'll still auto-convert provinces, though you can mod the auto-converting to take forever and thus never actually happen.


08-04-2007, 23:07
Thanks, I guess I can change Catholicism into christianity and Orthodox into Zoroastrianism.
Is there anyway to change religion colours?