View Full Version : Tips to Shorten Game Playing Time
I am currently playing York and am close to conquering the whole map. However it has taken me over a week to get this far. I have had some luck with diplomacy and came close to being elected on one vote. I have not made a serious effort with Kingdom Advantages.
Can anyone offer me some concrete tips on how to move things along faster when next I start off with a new game. Thanks in advance. :sad:
Declare war on large kingdoms with low military and morale, they would easily be conquested and you can cover a huge land mass afterwards, also annexing large kingdoms that are also smaller than you using spies will make your kingdoms large.
Kuno of Gersenau
09-04-2007, 10:45
Try to be elected Empror of Europe. Normally I always finish my game with an election. When I'm once the far most powerfull and strongest kingdom, there is not so much fun left for me.
Try to be elected Empror of Europe. Normally I always finish my game with an election. When I'm once the far most powerfull and strongest kingdom, there is not so much fun left for me.
100% agreement
As I say I came close once and after that I must have done something wrong. I kept up with the conquest and finally claimed the Title which was a totally bad move. I know people get elected all the time and would appreciate some concrete tips. "Just make friends with everyone" is not my idea of a concrete tip.
the best "points" to get a vote go from:
1) vassalage
2) being kin
These 2 major are followed by diplomatic relations, largeness of your kingdom and strength of your army, things such as religion are only minors..
so if you are at war with powerfull kingdom try either to make it your vasal, or once oyu make some kingdom your vasal, suport it in it's wars (join, then reinforce them in their battles etc.), but mainly make good relations so it is less probable they will declare independence.
If you have good relations with your vasal, you have the vote.
Also royal marriages are good way. First make very good relations with them and then marry your princesses (when you expect the election to come, not right after it!) or princes if possible (always better way)
is it enough?
PS: unless all the electors are your kin and vasals (the votes for you are secured) don't claim the title unless you want to fight all other powers. If you claim ALL have to vote for you, not only simple majority
I see where I went wrong. I was one vote short and did not press the diplomacy hard enough. :cheers:
Diplomacy is the way.
Military aspect is very important, but once you cover 1/4 of the map it gets boring and only diplomacy is the way :go:
10-04-2007, 09:20
Diplomacy is the way.
Military aspect is very important, but once you cover 1/4 of the map it gets boring and only diplomacy is the way :go:
it is true. but if yuo have a big army, and conquer some province, all kingdoms see that you are the strongest king :D if you have a strong realm with a happy and big army, the other kingdoms thing that you are the most siriusly people in the word :lol:
it is true. but if yuo have a big army, and conquer some province, all kingdoms see that you are the strongest king :D if you have a strong realm with a happy and big army, the other kingdoms thing that you are the most siriusly people in the word :lol:If you have the strongest army and large kingdom, you won't be able to defend your kingdom from continuous attacks from 5 or 6 sides... you have to use diplomacy at least to have some provinces safe... and you need them safe to have some slots free to earn enough money to buy you new armies... :wink:
PS: to answer your signature: have you tried Laudan's mod? it is the best mod for those who like the military aspect of game above all
10-04-2007, 11:53
PS: to answer your signature: have you tried Laudan's mod? it is the best mod for those who like the military aspect of game above all
I forget, I dont write that I haven't been war 5-6 kingdoms :D so that the diplomay is important, but I don't write that, sorry.
ps: how can I download this mod? I have 7 mod, but I don't have any time to play with this mods.
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