View Full Version : Trader assignment problems in 1.02

09-04-2007, 09:44
I have been playing a bit with the English version of patch 1.02 in the Easter. Basically I like the patch. It is nice to get free ships from the trader and I certainly enjoyed having 40 trading routes plus 3 free ships. I have only found a few problems:

1) A trader assignment with delivery of 20 T wool occured 4 times during my first game but the trader did not accept the wood any of the four times (he did not accept 20 T wool either).

2) The trader did not accept the delivery of 9 T parfume in another trader assignment. This only occured a single time.

3) When a city is out of parfume the text message is: "Your people need pralines". The icon is correct but parfume is not chocolates :-).

Now we are looking forward to version 2.00 where the computer players get smarter so they wont have to cheat anymore. Then single player games without the queen and without the free trader will get very interesting.

It will also be fun to see a version 3.00 where we can select our own price at the warehouse and in the trade routes. Then it is up the the free trader and others to buy where the goods are cheap. This is called market economy. This works very well in Port Royal 2. If Anno 1701 wants to be a trading game, we need to define the prices of the goods ourselves. Until then we make war.


g (http://imageshack.us)

09-04-2007, 16:45
The traders in Port Royale 1 & 2 have a limitless bank account as well.:blueohh:

09-04-2007, 17:25
The traders in Port Royale 1 & 2 have a limitless bank account as well.:blueohh:

I dont know, you are probably right. The point is that the producers of goods in Port Royale 2 do not have limitless money. You sell a lot of cheap goods and the computer producers go bankrupt. You end up with a monopoly and earn a lot of money.

Anno 1701 is so good that it deserves to be better.


10-04-2007, 03:50
3) When a city is out of parfume the text message is: "Your people need pralines". The icon is correct but parfume is not chocolates :-).


g (http://imageshack.us)

This bug is also in v1.01, btw. It never got fixed apparently.:sad: