View Full Version : Changing produce of a building or adding new ones

10-04-2007, 12:46
:eek: Hi Guys
Is it possible to do so? which files do I need to alter if I want e.g. a sheep farm to produce meat and parchment in addition to wool? Ihave tried defs\economy\buildings but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?:scratch:

10-04-2007, 16:00
Well, you were in the right file! economy\buildings.in2 is the only file regarding building output. For adding new ones see http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?p=129469#post129469 .

So what did not work then? Did you look at how the building.in2 file is built? It should be fairly understandable. For valuables output you useproduce = clothes for example.

10-04-2007, 19:26
Important thing is to put everything in just one line. If you put it into more lines the game reads only one (which one is absolutely random AFAIK)

so if you want base bonus to be 1 food and 3 books:
base_bonus = 1f, 2w

but not
base_bonus = 2w
base_bonus = 1f

The same it would IMO be also with "production" of trade goods

22-05-2007, 19:42
Thanks Doux and Elvain:cheers: . I have managed to change buildings' produce and a building can now produce more than one trade goods but no trade good can be produced by more than one building it seems!

More questions; which file determines how long a time must pass before a kingdom agrees to change its stance towards me e.g if a kingdom has declared war on me, where do the changes need to be made to alter the time before it would accept my offer of peace?
Finally where are the entries that determine the probability/percentage of a kingdom responding to my requests e.g request of marriage, peace, pacts, assistance in war, demand of tribute etc? :scratch:

22-05-2007, 19:52
More questions; which file determines how long a time must pass before a kingdom agrees to change its stance towards me e.g if a kingdom has declared war on me, where do the changes need to be made to alter the time before it would accept my offer of peace?
Finally where are the entries that determine the probability/percentage of a kingdom responding to my requests e.g request of marriage, peace, pacts, assistance in war, demand of tribute etc? :scratch:
About the first one I don't remember anything now

but regarding the second question. I think it is in files in defs/misc, some might even me in defs/misc/econst.in2 some might be in personalities.in2 but it's too long since I last used those files, sorry :sad: