View Full Version : Anyone For multiplayer?
I was thinking of doing a multi-player game, and wanted to know if other people would be interested. I'm fairly new to the game, so just be okay with quite a few questions as to fine tune my game. I was thinking we could all get together and play TC/IP game and play for like one hour once or twice a week. Let me know!
16-05-2007, 22:57
Welcome to the forum, nilraf.
I didn't try playing under 1.05, but with 1.03 multiplayer only worked when I used a VPN-service like Hamachi.
Generally I'm interested. I'd like to try a nice tower-game.
ready :) patch 1.05
and why not with gamespy? :P
17-05-2007, 17:49
Whenever I tried using the gamespy-method it'd lose the connection at gamestart. Something about port-forwarding that doesn't work. With Hamachi the port forwarding can be ignored.
So, do you guys have a messenger service, like windows messenger? If not we can all just agree to a time to meet online. Just let me know!
mammixpl for skype :)
my e-mail is, message me if I am on and we can try it out tonight!
18-05-2007, 00:10
I'll maybe contact you over the weekend.
Oh, and please post your timezone. My timezone is CEST aka GMT+2.
I am in California, sooo pacific standard time!
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