View Full Version : List of questions

31-05-2007, 13:02
I have been playing this greatgame for a while, but I have some questions I hope you can help me with (the manual is rather sparse):

1) Clerics can "Adobt population". What does this mean and do?

2) Camping. I know that archers restock arrows if they camp during battles, but what does it do for other troops? And what is camping on the strategic level good for (without tactics)?

3) The icon for workers above the city. Are they only for recruiting new troops and why does some of them carry weapons.

4) Icons of peasents with torches above a city. I guess it meanns risk of rebellion, but what does it mean precisly?

5) Sieges. Sometimes it takes a while from a city run out of food until it falls. Is this just a random time (the siege icon blinks)?

Sorry for the spelling, I hope you can help me. Thanks.

31-05-2007, 14:03
1. delete nostalgia
2. i think that it increases stamina and morale
3. a) these are recruits. b) they are carring weapons if there is big rebelion risk
4. like in 3
5. dont know excactly what u mean, but i think it depends on marshal, food in town, building etc.

Welcome to forum :silly:

31-05-2007, 16:14
5. dont know excactly what u mean, but i think it depends on marshal, food in town, building etc.
Especially the food currently present in the town. :wink:

31-05-2007, 17:18
Thanks guys.

5) Sieges. Sometimes it takes a while from a city run out of food until it falls. Is this just a random time (the siege icon blinks)?

I mean the timespan from the food stock is depleted to the city falls. The siege icon to the right of the screen blinks.

Bonus question: The "arrows" from a fortified camp on the strategic level seems to damage enemy units, is this right?

31-05-2007, 17:31
The "arrows" from a fortified camp on the strategic level seems to damage enemy units, is this right?
Yes :wink:

31-05-2007, 18:03
Especially the food currently present in the town. :wink:

food in town

lalala its to short lalalaa :P