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View Full Version : May Statistics (Technomage)

02-06-2007, 02:58
May Statistics 2007

8 new members joined in April, 5 were dropped for inactivity, 1 returned, which totals the active members to 51.

(And as usual, the "+" sign in front of the name means new on the list.)

Dobber - 6954
RoadRunner - 4082
Moryarity - 3429

Goku - 1930
binchen - 1869
Betty - 1730
karima - 1572
Dschi-Rex - 1101

Robitoby - 848
Sauropode - 845
LittleFreak - 613

Hilda - 492
+ X Raptor - 384
kaktuskiss - 300

Dregos - 199
penelope - 193
eididi - 151
Robby - 146

gabrille - 94
paprika - 47

Lion300 - 28
Reiher - 28
Miaumonster - 21

Patrick1988 - 13
dunaluna - 11

lea - 8
oliver0708 - 8
Hexe-Theresa - 7
Kaosa - 7
opeldriver - 6

Oma - 5
mackenzie - 4
+ zanaboni - 4
xallax - 3

Andras Kavalecz - 2
+ daMelvin - 2
Elria - 2
Frett - 2
+ Hexle89 - 2
Lian - 2
macfly - 2
+ Marion - 2
Powerreptile - 2
Salaka - 2
Symphonie - 2
Xx<Fiona>xX - 2

DrFry - 1
+ Emmalouise
+ endkampf - 1
+ Manuel18 - 1
Wilma37 - 1

02-06-2007, 03:01
And this was the activity in May 2007:

New threads: 15
Active threads: 18
Thread with the most activity - "Turm" (12)

Posters: 22 (Apr 21, Mar 21, Feb 24, Jan 19)
Posts: 95 (Apr 126, Mar 215, Feb 156, Jan 100)

Moryarity - 19 (8, 29, 17, 13)
Lion300 - 10 (-, -, -, 17)

gabrille - 8 (26, 45, 12, 3)
RoadRunner - 7 (10, 20, 14, 2)

dunaluna - 6 (-, 1, -, 4)
Goku - 6 (14, 25, 9, 13)
karima - 6 (16, 18, 25, 11)

binchen - 5 (7, 16, 17, 17)
Reiher - 5 (16, 7, -, -)

+ zanaboni - 4
eididi - 3

+ daMelvin - 2
Dobber - 2 (2, 3, 4, 2)
+ Hexle89 - 2
+ Marion - 2
+ X Raptor - 2

+ Emmalouise - 1
+ endkampf - 1
Hilda - 1 (1, 1, 1, 1)
+ Manuel18 - 1
paprika - 1
Robitoby - 1 3, (3, 6, 2)

02-06-2007, 16:53
Well done, Dobber! Thank you. :go:

02-06-2007, 19:56
Thank you, Dobber. :go:

02-06-2007, 20:59
Thanks!! :go:

It's nice to see that we had so many new members in May! Maybe we'll get TM2, after all...:wink: :lol:

02-06-2007, 22:14
It is great to see people still acquiring the game and playing after all this time!

05-06-2007, 17:16
thank you very much Dobber..but as it seems..you may not have the priviledge -or hard work :rolleyes: - of being O.K.O.T.S for much longer..as the future of the board is unknown :sad:

05-06-2007, 17:32
'Tis true Moryarity, but until that time comes......

05-06-2007, 17:39
You will be standing liek a giant against a tide and keep the stats of the board :gogo:

26-06-2007, 09:12
Hey Dobber, you still do a great job month by month :go:
I see, I have to come back, because my name wasn't seen here for a longer time.
But the game doesn't come to rest :wink:

26-06-2007, 20:24
I see, I have to come back, because my name wasn't seen here for a longer time.

Yeah, after 3 month's now, you are considered inactive and droppd from the list!