View Full Version : and he shall be honored by all of uss

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the knightly sword
19-09-2004, 09:08
A very sad inccident has happend . a 14 year old boy named james was stabbed to death
by 16 year old
guy because he thought that he was raceist . james
was walking and it was dark and suddenly the 16 year old boy came he said " are you raceist" he stabbed him with a knife and runned away . all of his friends
told the police
that hes not
a raceist . just think he had his hole life to go on and now his dead because some one thinking that he was a raceist . just think the pain his fameily got ween they heard that his was stabbed think the pain

his friends got
friends and his near and dears got he didnt deserve to die i just hope he gets a good place to rest in .
every body in stockholm is honoring this boy and so shall we

i honor you james you were not killed for nothing

now have a silence minute for his soul to be honored ;( . and post to this thread with honoring words

19-09-2004, 09:33
Eh? Who, were, what?!?! :confused:

the knightly sword
19-09-2004, 11:44
finllench are you blind :sick: .

look = there was a boy how was stabbed to death by 16 guy how thought he was a raceist !!!!!!!!!! but he wasent . hes just 14 just think hes life has just started and he gets killed by a thought . just think the pain his family got and his friends and every body he knows. so here in stockholm we honor him because he was incocent and got killed for no reason . so i made this thread to honor him ;(

finellech please next time read carefully !!!!!


19-09-2004, 17:07
I understand what you were saying, but it was confusing to say the least.
Hmmm...well I am sorry for the boy and his family...

19-09-2004, 17:24
So sad ;(
The world has becom cruel indeed, in the last few years.
Also, my condolents to his family.

19-09-2004, 17:38
The world has always been cruel as far as I know...i would dare to say that world was far worse than it was today.

19-09-2004, 17:59
The world was, is and will be cruel for long time (while humans inhabit this planet)! And people die all the time! In an even more cruel ways! It's sad! :(

PS. My condolences to the boys family, too!

19-09-2004, 18:35
my condolences to the boy and his family

19-09-2004, 19:06
The world has always been cruel as far as I know...i would dare to say that world was far worse than it was today.

I meant that when something like this happens, the world shows how cruel it really is, not that it has changed into that in the recent years. Mistyping, sorry.

19-09-2004, 22:07
My condolence especially to the family...:(

20-09-2004, 03:05
@the knightly sword. Did you know one of the boys?

My condolences to the boy's family.

20-09-2004, 15:45
Killed him just because he thought he was a racist?
Hell, being a racist is no need to be killed for! And he didn't even knew it :nono:
And even a 14 year old boy... how cruel can people be?
My condolences to his poor relatives and freinds ;(
Hope the murderer will get his punishment :mad:

20-09-2004, 16:47
Do they already have the murderer?

the knightly sword
21-09-2004, 10:13
they got him but hes only 16 and his not old enough to get puishments. but hes in jail . ;( just isnt fair geting killed on a such young age ween your just startin your life ;( this boy have proved he cruellety of man kind.largefry no but even many in stockholm is honoring this boy so shall we all ;(

21-09-2004, 16:48
The sad part of it that the neonazis are using his death for propaganda.

the knightly sword
21-09-2004, 18:13
i know and thats gay :( . i really dont like raceism it shouldint exist

NoC Lord Fire
23-09-2004, 00:48
This world is going to hell. i saw some movie lately and it was how we become aprted of god and that he punished us with floods fires rains, etc. When you look at it, it is happening.Tornados, flods. rains, fires,wars....Thank god that we have KoH

NoC Lord Fire
23-09-2004, 00:49
for ten years noone will go outside of his house.

23-09-2004, 00:56
The world is full of stupid...and razist people are the worse bastards! Condolences to the boy's family

23-09-2004, 00:56
sorry i click-in two time the post's botton