View Full Version : Resolution

10-10-2004, 00:05
Is there any way to use a resolution other than 1024x768? This is all I can select in the demo but as I have an LCD monitor, it either looks blurred or tiny. Failing that, is there any way to get it to use my second monitor, which is a CRT. I tried moving the config program over but I couldn't drag the actual game.

(For those who don't know, LCD monitors are built for one resolution and that's it - in my case, it's 1600x1200 so if I'm forced to use a resolution lower than that, I have a choice of just using the center of the screen display the smaller resolution or have the monitor resize it for 1600x1200 pixels - resizing 1024x768 to 1600x1200 makes everything blurred as it's not a clean multiple.)

10-10-2004, 10:40
In a previous post someone indicated that you could play the game in window mode instead of full screen. It is what I do on my portable and it is much better.

so credit to the guy who posted it, I can't remember who.

Edit the file
C:\Documents and Settings\{user_name}\Application Data\Black Sea Studios\Knights Of Honor\KoH.in2

And in the section [video], change fullscreen = 1 to fullscreen = 0

10-10-2004, 10:43
Scrolling that way is very hard, so try with the arrow keys.

16-10-2004, 04:29
I just got the demo version of Knights Of Honor (English) and the resolution sets too high

I can't set it to 1024x768 for some reason and the video is in the upper left corner of my screen and too small to see very well. I have this black and grey border to my screen.

It doesn't really install there is just an .exe. The first time i ran it it did a video test and set itself up this way. How can I reset it?

26-10-2004, 16:41
i remember when games used to have a max resolution of that... i had a p2 300 back then and a top of the notch 17inch crt screen.... some developers must be living in real poor countries.... to still go by those standards....