27-10-2004, 23:38
I got this event to resurrect Byzantium as Nicaea. Given that I was playing on hard with -5 kingdom power and therefore plenty of rebellions (though it is great training for troops with limited risk), it was good and I chose to do so. Do Epirus or Trebizond get that event?
In that game despite being the largest power I remain a vassal of Baghdad. I did that to end an invasion by multiple armies of the Caliphate. I spent a time developing my provinces and then turned on those Latin powers occupying the former lands of Byzantium. Somewhat annoyingly these are Catholic. It was probably to provide a challenge. Another annoyance is that Norway, Sweden and England keep declaring war on me. I know it is because of kingdom power, but those powers cannot do anything to me, while they, being small could be plundered into rebellion and oblivion. I have barely more than the historical lands of Byzantium, but I could spare the troops if I wanted.
In that game despite being the largest power I remain a vassal of Baghdad. I did that to end an invasion by multiple armies of the Caliphate. I spent a time developing my provinces and then turned on those Latin powers occupying the former lands of Byzantium. Somewhat annoyingly these are Catholic. It was probably to provide a challenge. Another annoyance is that Norway, Sweden and England keep declaring war on me. I know it is because of kingdom power, but those powers cannot do anything to me, while they, being small could be plundered into rebellion and oblivion. I have barely more than the historical lands of Byzantium, but I could spare the troops if I wanted.