28-10-2004, 02:20
(A)STONE WALLS: Stone walls & gates take a lot of gold & time to build yet they are easily destroyed by simple melee units during an assault, how that can be right :(
I think the only way to successfully assault a castle that has stone walls must be with the use of SIEGE machines or use of Ladder men.
(B) ARCHERS: In real life during those times, an archer shoot only before the melee units were engaged and not during the engagement itself, unless they wished to kill their own people too!!!
Also arrows hardly penetrated chainmails or plates because they were made of Iron and not Steele, on other hand, the Plate armour that was mainly worn by the nobility due to its high cost was made of Steeles (Steele was too expensive for a one time use such as in arrows) at least not until later years when Steele was cheaper to manufacture.
So for the purpose of this game I think the Archers should cause very litter damage to well-armored troops but devastating damage to the less protected ones.
I think the only way to successfully assault a castle that has stone walls must be with the use of SIEGE machines or use of Ladder men.
(B) ARCHERS: In real life during those times, an archer shoot only before the melee units were engaged and not during the engagement itself, unless they wished to kill their own people too!!!
Also arrows hardly penetrated chainmails or plates because they were made of Iron and not Steele, on other hand, the Plate armour that was mainly worn by the nobility due to its high cost was made of Steeles (Steele was too expensive for a one time use such as in arrows) at least not until later years when Steele was cheaper to manufacture.
So for the purpose of this game I think the Archers should cause very litter damage to well-armored troops but devastating damage to the less protected ones.