View Full Version : I wish I could

29-10-2004, 14:03
I wish I could buy six military units in town without the marshal.

I wish I could (should) merge units instead of refill them, it's more helpfull (merged units will not lose experience) and make the game more realistic and difficult (now the strongest armies are eternal).

I wish I could buy new units with the food reserve of the marshal's army, not only with the city one.

I wish I could let my princess get married (now it's simply a stupid idea).

I wish I could change units between different armies.

I wish I could not break a city door without any siege units.

I wish I could not buy structures instead of build them (with merchants I'm really too rich!).

I wish I could choose the portrait of my men.

I wish I could not kill the enemy leader without defeating his armies (the leaders should not be on the ground, this give me the possibility of kill him with a single mounted army and make the battle boring when his army has been defeated and starts the hunt all around).

I wish I could play a non realistic game where all provinces are indipendent at stard.

29-10-2004, 14:31
This was already posted here (http://forum.sunflowers.de/showthread.php?t=2905). Please discuss there.
