View Full Version : Re-conquered provinces and kingdoms called the same

04-11-2004, 16:29
I came across a very funny event when I played for Armenia in early period(period and kingdom is unimportant now, but nice to describe the situation :))

First I've conquered province of Cyprus and because I had enough books, I adopted the population by my independent partiarch right after the conquest.
Then after some time Fatimids invaded Cyprus and conquered it back, but now with "armenian" population (first it was byzantine).

Before my armies stood back on the isle of Cyprus, a rebellion have started there, as a fruit of nostalgy of "armenian" rebel who wanted to join Cyprus back to my kingdom. I succesfully captured the town, but what happened? the rebellion went on. So I was forced to attack a rebel fighting in the name of Armenian Cyprus, holding an Armenian banner above his armies, so there came a battle between Armenia and Armenia!

I hope this wil be removed.

The second thing is the issue of kingdoms using same names.
It happened few times that I was asked to break all relations with Kiev, but I had one big problem. There was original principaty of Kiev (black/blue banner) which I was allied with and had harmonious relations and the second one, being at war with the original Kiev. With the Kiev2 I have signed trade agreement because after some time it became larger and more powerfull than Kiev1.

But what happened, some other kingdom asked me to break all relations with Kiev, when I looked at political wiew with relations, I saw it is at war with both Kievs so I had no idea which one he's asking me to break agreements with. I disagreed and fortunately suffered no KP penalty, but who knows what would happen if I agreed?
I found this very often (also with Sicily, Bohemia, Bosnia) and very problematic.

Name new kingdoms (if the original, called the same still exists) at least New Kiev, please.



06-11-2004, 00:35
I've noticed two kingdoms with the same name as well. Makes it a bit difficult to figure out which kingdom is being referred to in popup messages.


Pearls of Wisdom - "You can't have an open mind with an open mouth." - Lord Steven

--== THE DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMAS: http://www.dwad.net
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06-11-2004, 01:54
this will be an over 1000mb patch might take a day to download and possibly never for 56k users lol i cant wait till this patch comes out they better fix these problems

06-11-2004, 03:16
this will be an over 1000mb patch

A gig patch? That's pretty big.

Where did you hear about the patch size?


Pearls of Wisdom - Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

--== THE DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMAS: http://www.dwad.net
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06-11-2004, 07:54
i read it on another forum but webmaster could you please comfirm this wild patch size even when i saw it i was confused

06-11-2004, 08:25
1000mb? You must be kidding. Really.

the knightly sword
06-11-2004, 12:55
happen to me the same thing twice one on the early ages bradenburg and one high with wales. nahh his kiddin i havent never seen a huge patch like that. max what ive seen was 700mb either he got it wrong or seen wrong because 1000mb is almost impossiable. its as large as a game.

07-11-2004, 03:29
well could be possible cause look at how many errors and name changes not to mention better ai and options which means new scripting and especially new weapons and advances and all that stuff im sure you all heard these changes and requests so it could be quite possible still waitin on webmaster to confirm this gig patch or any other moderater

07-11-2004, 20:03
i think that 1000mb is really impossible , no game magazine on earth would place a patch that huge on their cds or dvds. and all the gamers with 56kb or less can't download it.

Sir Turylon
08-11-2004, 08:40
it'll probably be under 200mb. Who knows thought with all the fixes. I still find it funny that a patch is coming out within 3 months of the initial release... maybe a public beta woulda helped? something to think about for KoH2... if there is one.

08-11-2004, 19:08
> it'll probably be under 200mb. Who knows thought with all the fixes. I still find
> it funny that a patch is coming out within 3 months of the initial release...
> maybe a public beta woulda helped?

Actually, this is not unusual at all. ALL programmes ALWAYS need at least one patch, often two.

Actually, kudos goers out to the developers for beginning work on the patch (research, etc) the very day the game came out. That shows a realistic and, more importantly, responsive attitude on their part.

Now it's just a question of "what did they include in the patch" and is there going to be a second, mor comprehensive patch? (Or, better yet, KOH 2)


Pearls of Wisdom - (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)oss computer across room?

--== THE DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMAS: http://www.dwad.net
--== Give performance reviews of your boss: http://www.rateyourboss.org
--== Everlasting Films Call Board: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/everlastingfilms

09-11-2004, 00:17
> it'll probably be under 200mb. Who knows thought with all the fixes. I still find
> it funny that a patch is coming out within 3 months of the initial release...
> maybe a public beta woulda helped?

Actually, this is not unusual at all. ALL programmes ALWAYS need at least one patch, often two.

Actually, kudos goers out to the developers for beginning work on the patch (research, etc) the very day the game came out. That shows a realistic and, more importantly, responsive attitude on their part.

Now it's just a question of "what did they include in the patch" and is there going to be a second, mor comprehensive patch? (Or, better yet, KOH 2)


Pearls of Wisdom - (A)bort, (R)etry, (T)oss computer across room?

--== THE DOCTOR WHO AUDIO DRAMAS: http://www.dwad.net
--== Give performance reviews of your boss: http://www.rateyourboss.org
--== Everlasting Films Call Board: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/everlastingfilms
KOH2? i dont know i dont think i want to pay the same money for a game with some minor changes or made up errors so id rather have a big patch or at leasst a cd that is sent out to fix or repair there things

10-11-2004, 14:37
maybe there shold be a war of the name of kingdom and the looser is then called by some of his actual provinces or "Little XXX"