View Full Version : Bored

04-11-2004, 20:21
Useless whining I know but I'm bored with the game already and I've played only 2 games. Not that I don't like the features or the interface or the graphics. All that is great but the AI is simply brain dead ! I can take a one province county and turn it into a filthy rich powerhouse in a couple of hours. Since all the neighboors are constantly at war and chronically unstable it's only a matter of time - and patience - to win the game.

So when will the patch come out ? :p


04-11-2004, 20:46
Since all the neighboors are constantly at war and chronically unstable it's only a matter of time - and patience - to win the game.

Yes you're right it's very easy, I hope the patch will dramaticaly change it.

04-11-2004, 20:55
We dont know yet when the patch will come out.

NoC Lord Fire
04-11-2004, 23:04
I agree. I relly do not have any patience to play single player. I like mp to some manner, however, there is no ppl playing mp

04-11-2004, 23:26
release is planned at the end of november

05-11-2004, 00:02
yes im bored too after taking over almost all of the provinces... too bad the multiplayer is even worse. the object in some of them is plain stupid, like king of towers, and there's barely anyone on.